Friday, January 2, 2009

We Had a Good, Productive Day Today!

I know it to be so because James has used that very phrase at least 6 times in the past hour or two. "I would like to have days like this every day--it just feels so good to get so much done." I, on the other hand, would really love to have a chance to put together one more puzzle before real life really settles in again. ;-) It's strange; usually I'm ready to pack up all of the Christmas stuff by the morning of December 26th. Not this year! I still feel like holidaying it. The house is still all decked out and I'm really rather enjoying it. I'm in no personal hurry to change it, but I've heard the boss mention it several times so I know it's time. I was acutally going to get started today, but we had a few hours of uncertainty when we knew we may or may not have company tonight. It gave me the excuse I was looking for to hold off on packing everything up and having the house all torn up! Company didn't come, so maybe tomorrow's my day. Or maybe not... :-)

We started our day off by moving. Again. We have moved so many times in the past year I just don't know what to do with myself. We packed up the house in Andrews last December and MOVED everything into storage. We MOVED everything to our house here in February. We have since MOVED a whole slew of boxes into James' soon-to-be office so he could work in the garage. We them MOVED them back into the garage so Brother Dustin could wire the office. Today we MOVED them all back out to the office so James can start working on the garage. Don't add 'em up for me, I just know we've hauled all that dumb stuff, whatever is in those boxes, way more times than I ever would have thought. Anyway, that's how we started our morning--with a whole family endeavor to get the garage emptied out and all of the stuff crammed back into the office and shed. The kids were a great help and we were able to get it all done in just about an hour and a half, I think.

When we finished that up James went into town, rented a trailer, bought a bunch of sheetrock and hauled it up here. We unloaded it into the garage, then he returned the trailer. On his way back home he found a dude with a load of firewood for sale (we were getting perilously low), so he had him come and dump it in front of our house. Time for some more quality family time! :-) Everybody pitched in and we got it all stacked nice and neat on the porch. It is REALLY sloppy and muddy on our little mountain right now due to all of the melting snow (that's why we started the moving job early this morning--so the ground would still be frozen between the garage and the office!), so we had to spray mud off of everybody's boots and leave them on the porch to dry. Or freeze. We'll see which soon enough!

We then got everybody cleaned up and headed to Edgewood. James was pleased enough with all of our hard labor that he treated us to DJ's Doghouse for dinner. ;-) Hot dogs, corn dogs, grilled cheese, fries, and tots. It was a nice change, actually! Then we went to Wal-Mart to do some grocery shopping. Joe is still DYING to use his $25 gift card, but we kept telling him that nothing had changed at the store--we'd just looked there a few days ago and he couldn't find anything then, why would he find something this time? I finally agreed to take him for one quick spin through the toy aisle while James was waiting in the check-out line. He actually found something he was truly excited about: a remote controlled dragonfly that really flies, at least in theory. It was going to use up his whole gift card, but he was thrilled. "It's so cool, Mom!" We weren't half way to the front of the store before he'd talked himself out of it. I really thought he was going to go through with it because of his initial enthusiasm, but we had barely left the toy section before he started having second thoughts. ~sigh~ I feel his pain! Ha! He wants SO BADLY to spend that gift card and get something grand, but he can't bring himself to part with the gift card because then it would be GONE. It's so painful to be indecisive. I happen to know. Still, it cracks me up when I see it from a distance! I even tried to help him out. "Joe, would you rather have a cool remote controlled dragonfly that you can play with and fly around, or a little plastic gift card that sits in my purse?" There was a long pause and then, "I'm gonna put the bug back, Mom. I'm gonna wait. I don't wanna spend my whole card already!" Ha!

We came home, unloaded the groceries, had devotions, and put the kids to bed. I've been dinking around on the computer and now I'm going to start the final book of the O'Malley series. (Ssssshhhhhhh!!! Don't tell James!) ;-)


Momma Tammi said...

Aha! Now I know where my Christmas spirit got off's been hiding out at your house all of this time! Wow! Your day was as productive as mine was UNproductive. ~hee hee~ You really did get lots accomplished. Sorry your company didn't make it, especially since you thrive on do get to enjoy a book, so grab some hot chocolate, curl up in front of the fire and ENJOY!

Tammy K. said...

I am so far behind on those books. I need to pick it up again. I will be working at Stacey and Sue's stores next week while they are gone. I should call Stacey and have her bring me the next book, you know how slow it is in Jauary at the store. Stacey if your reading I will be calling you ;o)
I would love to sit next to a fire. I have not done that this year at all.You guys moved, now we can't enjoy James' fires.

EmileeAnn said...

HA! I beat you...maybe. I am about halfway through the last book right now. :-) Knowing you, though, you probably stayed up all night reading and have it finished by now.

It does indeed sound as thought you guys had a productive day.

Poor Joe. It is funny to see his side of things from a distance, but I can relate as well. It's too bad, that remote control dragonfly sounded pretty cool!

cokelady said...

Tammi--If you'll come visit I'll keep all that Christmas spirit lingering around for another week or two. ;-)

Tammy--You really ought to get the next book from Stacey. They're SO GOOD! Which one are you on, anyway? And you need to come visit us. It's nice and chilly (or downright COLD) here and we have a nice, toasty, crackling fire EVERY DAY!!! :-)

Emilee--I figured you'd pass me up in those books! You're a more faithful reader than I am. But you're right, I am an obsessed reader when I finally pick up a book. I read half of it last night. You've got 'til tonight to finish yours if you're going to beat me. I paced myself that way: half last night, half tonight!

As for Joe, I would have really pushed the dragonfly toy, since he finally found something he was EXCITED about... but I am a little leary of him spending all of his money on something that would probably be broken the first day! You know good and well he'd never be able to steer the thing and would have crashed it into a tree or lost it somewhere by now!

Vicki Smith said...

Congratulations on your "good, productive day." That always feels good. And then to get to afterwards READ half a book you're really enjoying? The BEST!!!
My Christmas decor is still up, but it only first appeared 2 weeks ago today. I'm not done with it yet. It'll stay up for at least another week, for sure. Of course, since there's no tree involved it makes it not so weird to leave it up.

EmileeAnn said...

So did you do it, Bec?
At 12:05 last night I finally laid the book down on my night table. It was a good one!

Now what am I going to read? This series was soo good I may have to take a break for a while. Maybe I'll get some scrapbooking finished up. We'll see...

cokelady said...

~gasp!~ You beat me, Em!!! I finished the book at 1:30 last night. ;-) You're right--it was a good one! One of the best of the series, I thought. It was a great one to end with but... now there are no more to look forward to! I liked being able to finish a book and--even if I didn't get to it for months or a year or more!--I knew there were more really good ones to follow it up with. It's sad that it's come to an end. But still, GREAT books!!! :-)

Hope you get some scrapping done now that your reading time will be freed up for a while. But... let me know if you discover some good books later on! (I never know what to try and need some good recommendations!)