Saturday, January 24, 2009

One Big Comment

That's really all this is. I haven't anything to actually POST about right now, but I felt bad having not replied to anybody else's comments on my last little flock of posts. So I'll just reply to them here and make them look and feel like a new post instead of just a comment replying to old comments. Clever, hu? Nah, I didn't think so either, but it's all I've got.


Mom--Creamer? Creamer??? I thought of that actually, but somehow it didn't sound just right. I mean, do you call the coffee pot a coffee-er? Or the tea pitcher a tea-er?! No, they get their own special name. I assumed somebody would've bestowed the same amount of thought upon the poor little container that holds the cream. Guess not. Creamer. How sad.

Rachel--I don't know what to say. First of all, I'm shocked and appalled that your ventures west have only carried you so far as Shawnee. What a terrible place to stop when things will get so much better if you just go a little farther! (No offence to any Okies, of course!) Secondly, you are SOOOOOO RIGHT about our folks having more fun. And you and Sister Tammi pretty well nailed the reason for it. When you're piled up with a whole bunch of friends all of the time you really do take the fellowship for granted. We've never had that luxury out here so we take extra pains to be together, fully intending to have the grandest time possible from the first moment until the very last. :-) And, of course, we also happen to have the most fantastical people in the whole world out here! I'm glad to hear you're planning on moving out this direction (although slightly surprised you would make it public, what, with the possibility of your locals reading it and going nuts)--just name the state and we'll start looking for work and a place to live for you... ;-)

Tammy--As one of my dearest and longest standing friends, I count on you to comment on each and every post. I can't believe you skipped to them end only to tell me you weren't gonna. ~gasp!~ Of all the nerve! ;-)

Haley--Oh, where do I start?! I really should've started a day or two ago because I had a truly grand reply all worked up for you, but it seems to have left me. Hhmmm. All I've got now is, "Nu-uh!!!" I'll see if I can do better. I AM NOT A PUNK. (That's a winning start...) And I most certainly DID NOT laugh at the NN movie. I may have laughed DURING it, but never AT it. And as I described to you before, there are certain things that are so disturbing and appalling that the longer they go on the more aghast you become until finally the next disturbing and appalling thing happens and you snap and find yourself laughing hysterically. Not because the thing was FUNNY--no. Because it was enough to push you completely off the rocker you were already perched so precariously on due what you've already been exposed to. Such is the case of my laugher DURING (not AT) NN. Now that we have that cleared up, have I made it abundantly clear that you are never again allowed to pick the movie in this lifetime?

~whew~ I think that covers that.


Sister Nowling and Jenna--So glad Brother Nowling enjoyed himself out here. (Down here? Over here?) I was sorry that I didn't get to see him personally, but it sounds like the guys really enjoyed having him at Retreat. And I DID get to hear him preach in Denver on Thursday through my brother's computer conference call thingy. It was great! And you're both right--the retreat facilities are GREAT, as is the Shuler boys' ability to make great pictures. ;-)


Mom--I haven't thought or worried about the whole "lurker" thing, although it did occupy a good amount of my thoughts that first night! NYC is an awful long ways away and there are a whole slew of people there. I would suspect there are a whole slew of WEIRD people there, thus furthering my belief that one of them would actually buy a sculpture such as Kate's! ;-)

Rachel--Because that would be far too easy! ;-) Actually, James took care of all of the business with the eBay buyer and he's not known for being particularly chatty in such situations. Ha!

Sister Tammy--I felt much better learning that you have a lurker in NY, too. You're closer to them than I am, so if anything happens to you I'll know they're probably on their way out here! Ha!

Jared--I've got plenty of hits from Ohio, so I doubt you're showing up as New York. One tracker (I ended up with two--long story) currently says Westerville-1, Miamitown-15, and Bellevue-41 for the past month. The other says Norwalk-1, Port Clinton-8, Bellevue-8, Cincinnati-11, and Lakeside Marblehead-15. I'm guessing one tracker is more specific than the other, but still the total number of hits is pretty close. Anyway, glad to know you stop in! Tell the folks up there we said howdy! :-)


Mom--The brisket was fabulous-o! Mmmmmm... :-)

Sister Tammi--It is amazing to watch the kids grow up and develop such interesting personalities. Sam's is just packed. Some things are hidden so much deeper with him, but they're certainly present!

Kasey--I'm the same way; I deal with things a little bit like Joe, a little bit like Sam. Mostly, I think Sam must take after James. James isn't the kind to sit around and cry for weeks on end. He's the kind to shed a few tears, then get up and DO something about it. Thus the gorgeous little box Hershey was buried in the next day.

Sister Tammy--Interesting perspective! I would love it if Sam became a writer one day. I could see that happening... if the kid will ever learn to READ! Ha!

Rebekah--I prefer it that way, too, especially if I can tell that I'm in one of those rambling moods and it's going to be the never-ending post. Like THIS one! That wasn't even supposed to be a post, just a comment! HA! Pitiful.

~Whew!~ That's that.

The only other news is that I've got the Regional paper all put together... except for a message from the Regional Overseer. Slacker. ;-) I'll be able to finish up quickly once he gets it to me. James made chicken parmesan and cheesy baked ziti for dinner last night (so I could work on the paper)--what a guy! I did take time out from the paper to make a Pineapple Chiffon Pie. Yum! The crust is made out of vanilla wafers and the pie has lemon jell-o and pineapple juice and such deliciousness. It's nice and tangy, kind of like a key lime pie. Right down my alley!

Gotta run. It's not like anybody comes around the blogs on the weekends anyway. It just seemed like it was TIME to say something, you know? I just found out yesterday that my VLB service is tomorrow night (I thought for sure it was NEXT Sunday!) and I need to get Sunday School together--and I also just learned I'm on to lead songs. You'd think the lady who makes the calendar oughtn't be surprised by what's on it. It's a strange phenomenon. Every time! Ha!


Momma Tammi said...

Blogsville isn't exactly a ghost town during the weekend...there are a few of us hanging round. Only you could take a bunch of comments and turn it into a funny post.

J Nowling said...

Thanks Sister Becki - I'm a nobody I guess because I have a routine of checking blogs in the morning and before I go to bed. I may not always comment but I smile, shed tears, or send up a prayer because of them ;-)

Hey that's cool that you were able to listen to my husband's message through Jonathon's computer. I would've loved to have done that too...although the time difference would've meant I was at work still.

ToughLady said...

I havde never met Bro. Nowling either but i got to hear him through the computer thing also it was great..And blog ville is visited on the weekends...

Rebekah Doran said...

I visit blogland every weekend too. :) Unless, of course, we are traveling or have company etc.

Tammy K. said...

Becki, I read all your posts I just did not comment on every post. Love the creativity of this post. I am impressed. How did you remember all the comments, you have a horrible memory.
If your husband would have decided to come here this week while Frank is here you could have had some help folding all those papers :o) Frank was very disappointed it did not work out. We played a game already so life is grand. It should be a great week.

Vicki Smith said...

I check the blogs EVERY day that I Anyway . . . GREAT comment post.
Tammy K., DUH! Becki did NOT "remember" everything--she went back and forth between reading the comments, then commenting. Bless your heart. :-D
Have a good Sunday, Bec. Once tonight's service is over you'll be relieved that you don't have to prepare for NEXT Sunday. You gotta look on the bright side.

Tammy K. said...

if she went back and forth she must have spent ALOT of time. I am guessing with her and her lists, she probably wrote everything down. :o) How did ya do it Bec?

cokelady said...

Tammy--So simple. I opened up my "new post" window and started typing... while I had kept up a seperate window of my blog and could look over to see what everybody had said. You're right on two counts: I do have a bad memory and I do make way too many lists. But due to those two characteristics, I have become much more efficient over the years and learned more time-saving methods! ;-)