Friday, January 9, 2009

Hershey Dog

2003 - 2009

~sigh~ I don't know quite what to say. God blessed us with a very, very happy dog that brought lots of joy and laugher (as well as some frustration and anger on occasion!) into our lives and let us enjoy him for nearly 6 years.

Hershey Dog had an unfortunate and fatal encounter with another dog tonight. As awful as it is, there is much to be thankful for. I'm thankful that a gentleman found him and contacted me right away; I was able to bring him home and care for him. He died here by a nice, toasty fire being loved and prayed for instead of alone in the cold. I'm thankful for the fact that he didn't suffer long. In fact, due to the injury he had, I'm not sure he endured much pain at all. So very thankful for that. And like my Dad pointed out, I'm so very, very thankful that it wasn't one of my children who I've lost. God is good and we're so very blessed.

Please pray for the kids. I know a lot of folks say, "It's just a dog," but those are only cold, insensitive people who've never discovered that to people with hearts a dog is truly a part of the family. Does that sound harsh? I'm not up to dealing with any cold, insensitive people tonight, so be careful! ;-) Anyway, the kids finally calmed down a bit and two of them are asleep right now.

James fashioned a pretty little log sided box for Hershey. We wrapped him in a towel and put his toy duck in with him; and managed to dig a hole in the back yard tonight. In the morning we'll have a little funeral, bury our dog, then head to a birthday party. ~sigh~ What a day. Still... so much to be thankful for. Biggest prayer request is for the kids. They'll pull through. Kids are so resilient. But it's not going to be very easy tomorrow, I'm sure. It was AWFUL tonight. I know it sounds silly, but I'm praying for the God of all comfort to help our kids to not just make it through this (of course they will), but to somehow learn and grow from it. To somehow see the love and mercy of God in this situation. I don't know--He knows best. Thanks for your prayers!


Kasey said...

I am really really sorry Becki. I will be praying for your family. I love animals so much, they are a wonderful creation of God, everything is really. I pray that God will give you all comfort tonight and tomorrow and on. Hershey really was so expressive in all your pictures of him. Love you all.

cokelady said...

Kasey -- Somehow I knew you'd be the first one to discover this post and comment. :-) If there's one thing I've discovered that you and I have in common it is our love of animals, particularly dogs and horses. Thank you so much--the words mean more coming from you. I know you know what we're feeling!

Anonymous said...


I will be praying for the children. I was given a dog a little over 2 years ago, that we fell in love with his name was Max. About 6 weeks a go he ran off after some other dogs and never came home. It has been hard on my children not knowing where he is, especially my little girl.

Angie Munoz

ToughLady said...

Oh Sis. Becki I am so sorry about hersey, I know how much you love animals, I am the same way, I will be praying for you and the kids, I am not one of those insensitive people I had to put my dog down a few years ago and i cried and cried, so i really feel for u all, and we love ya guys...

EmileeAnn said...

We are praying here too, fact I fell asleep praying for you and the kids and woke up praying for the same.

We're going to miss that crazy Hershy-Dog too!

Momma Tammi said...

I am so very sorry to hear about Hershey...sitting here crying for all of you. I know how I felt when Bear died and how I would feel if it were Samson. We become so close to those furry little members of our family. I'll be praying for God to comfort each of you and for the kids to see the goodness of God in allowing them the opportunity to say goodbye to their precious friend and allowing Hershey to be with his family at the end.

peaceinchaos said...

I want to let you know how sorry I was to hear about Hershey. It is hard I know, these critters find a place in our homes and our hearts. My aunt had to put my horse down a couple years back, although I hadn't seen her for a while (she was on retirement on my aunts place in Texas) it was very hard. I had spent many hours riding and showing her through my teens and 20's. We will keep praying for the kids as they cope with the loss.

peaceinchaos said...

I want to let you know how sorry I was to hear about Hershey. It is hard I know, these critters find a place in our homes and our hearts. My aunt had to put my horse down a couple years back, although I hadn't seen her for a while (she was on retirement on my aunts place in Texas) it was very hard. I had spent many hours riding and showing her through my teens and 20's. We will keep praying for the kids as they cope with the loss.

Anonymous said...

hi Sis, please share this with your kids. I have recieved this poem from loved ones through out the years when we have lost a family (pet) member...hope it will help in and prayers, sis katie.

There is a bridge connecting heaven and Earth. It is called The Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the The Rainbow Bridge, is a land of meadows, hill and valleys, with lush green grass.

When a beloved pet dies, he or she goes to this places. There is always foood, water and warm spring weather.

The old and frail animals are young again. Those who were maimed are made whole again.They play together all day long. The only thing missing in this new life is their special family. The ones who loved them on earth.

Each day, they run and play, until the times comes when one suddenly stops and looks up. The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring! Suddenly this one animal runs from the group.

YOU have been seen, and when you and your special pet friend meet, you take him or her into your arms. Your face is kissed again and again and again. You look, once more, into the eyes of your trusting pet.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....never to be seperated again.

Jamey said...

Hey, wanted to let you know we are praying for you guys as well. Hershey was such a good dog. Our family had grown rather fond of him with all the visits. Love you guys!

Tammy K. said...

Sam and I were like Emilee, we fell asleep praying for you guys and woke up doing the same. Believe it or not I am REALLY sorry. How are the kids today?

marshasblog said...

I was reading your post and just wanted to say sorry to hear about your dog. I hope the kids are doing better. It's so hard when you lose a dog because they really are member of your family. You all are in our prayers...

Tam said...

I'm SO sorry to hear this. My heart breaks for your family. I have prayed and will continue to pray that the God of ALL peace be with you guys and comfort your babies in a special way.

Vicki Smith said...

As we sat and talked about Hershey last night, your Dad and I laughed a lot and we cried. Dad said, "It's stupid to cry over a dog!" But he said it as he was crying. :-) Like you, I pray the Lord will teach all of us spiritual truths through this loss. I'm so glad you're finding much to be thankful for in the midst of the pain. A grateful heart is SO important. And you're doing a great job of taking time and effort to speak to your kids about God's sovereignty and how we must always trust Him to know what's best and DO what's best for us. Every single thing we face can be a spiritual lesson for us, if we pay attention and learn.
It just won't be the same the next time I come to visit and Hershey won't be there for me to keep throwing him off of me in the night, or to growl at me when I try to move him so I can get in the bed. :-_ Or to track in muddy paw prints. Or to steal leftover food we hadn't yet cleaned from the table. ...he was a good dog... It's funny how he makes you laugh and cry all at the same time when you think about him.

Anonymous said...

The Lord knows how much our pets mean to us, and is compassionate toward us should we have to let them go. He can use anything He needs to in order to remind us that He is an ever-present help, and has such a marvelous way of encouraging our hearts, binding our wounds, and turning every sorrow into something for His glory. There's just no God like Him! You guys are in my prayers. :o)

Erika J. said...

oh no! my heart ached as i read this. i am sorry for your loss! praying for y'all!

~Amy said...

Becki, I am so sorry to hear about your dog. You and James and the kids are in my prayers.

Maybe in a few days it might be therapeutic for you guys to do a small scrapbook of Hershey together. Just a thought. *big hugs*