Sunday, January 25, 2009

Haley is a Punk

I have selected that title in hopes that Haley will notice she is being addressed. She somehow missed my reply to her comment, expecting it to be in the comments window following her smart remarks and never seeing it in the "HEY, I'M REPLYING TO ALL OF THOSE COMMENTS RIGHT HERE" post from last night. I just received this e-mail from her tonight:

What's up? I went to your blog...... no comment. I know, you can't think of any thing witty enough. It's okay I understand. Pobre tomato she thinks she can comment but she can't. :(
No wait I know you have finally realized that you indeed love NN and to deny it would be a lie. So now you're stuck. Deny it, and well.... have Bro James sing you the song about liars. Admit it and face the humiliation of everyone knowing your deepest darkest secret. II await your fury (that is your forth coming comment) in earnest expectation. Unless of course you really are a pobre tomato :)

~Tsk, tsk, tsk~ So sad. To think of the poor girl sitting on pins and needles all this time, anxiously awaiting my reply. I wonder if she'll notice THIS one... As for NN, I have reconsidered my position, Haley. I want you to buy me that movie for my birthday this year. Yes, yes. I do. Please buy me that movie. For starters, it would be the PERFECT "Haley gift." But I wouldn't have the "Surely this is a gag gift... but if it's NOT, what do I say" dilemma. Secondly, I would most certainly bring it to next year's Girl Party. I have a special ceremony in mind for it. It would, of course, never involve a VCR or DVD player. Just a nice, clear area in the back yard and some lighter fluid, a few matches... And a signed contract with the binding stipulation written in blood that you will never again attempt to choose the girl movie; any violation is punishable by death. Or at least by eternal banishment from the Girl Party. ;-)

Hhmmm. Nothing much to report. We had good services today. Well, this morning, anyway! Ha! Tonight was my VLB service and I must confess I re-e-e-e-eally struggled to put it together. That, "Oh, THIS is what direction I need to go" thing never hit me, so I decided to go with the upcoming holiday. I looked into Groundhog Day, but there's not too much inspiration to be found in Punxatawnie Phil. Besides, after some preliminary study on the subject I discovered that it actually originated from a Catholic-ish holiday having something to do with Mary (February 2nd is 40 days after Christmas; her purification being complete) and then it went way downhill, borrowing from old Pagan beliefs about the seasons and whatnot. Not sure how the groundhog got thrown into the mix. So I opted for February 14th instead. Of course, I've never been a very big fan of Valentine's Day, so we talked about the telephone instead. (February 14, 1867, is the day Alexander Graham Bell applied for a patent on the telephone.) I used every corny analogy I could make up, right down to "Please enjoy the music while your party is reached." You didn't know there was anything spiritual about phones, did you?! Ha! We even sang The Royal Telephone tonight, believe it or not. That's a song that... well, let's just say it's not one I lead very often! Ha! It cracks me up. Always has. Oh well--we went with it tonight! Mostly, I'm just glad it's over.

In other news, I'm still missing Hershey Dog way too much. Not crying quite as often as before, but still thinking of him soooooo often and wishing he was here. It's just so weird without him. Weird and sad and lonely and and quiet... Hardly seems possible with three kids (!), but it still feels that way a lot. I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't have them to fill my life, my days, and my heart! It didn't help to read that February is Responsible Pet Owners Month and the 20th is Love Your Pet Day. ~sniffle~ All of you pet people, don't take those little furballs for granted! And Stacey, remember to give Jasmine a hug for me on the 20th! Ha! ;-)

Hhmmm. Guess that's about it from here. I hope you all had a great Sunday and were truly blessed of the Lord. And didn't have to sing The Royal Telephone. ;-) James said today that he figures we were probably the only church in all of Albuquerque that sang that song tonight. I told him we were probably the only church in all of Albuquerque that has sung that song for at least 20 years! Ha!


Momma Tammi said...

Hey! I like that song...hate to play it, but I still like the song. No one sings it much though.

I didn't know that February was responsible pet owner's interesting. Learn something new everyday!

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

I have often wondered if anyone actually sings that song. It catches my attention EVERY TIME we sing "The Old Rugged Cross" at our local church, since it's on the prior page. It's unbelievable that such a song has five whole verses. Now that's just TOO MANY! :o)

Tammy K. said...

My mom used to always lead that song, I kinda like it, brings back childhood memories.
I am sorry you still miss Hershey.
See ya tomorrow.

cokelady said...

Apparently there are varying feelings about the Telephone song; but they're all very strong feelings, one way or another! Ha!

Haley Rachelle said...

So really what you are saying is that James sang you the song and you went on with the lie anyway. You know I have heard your Brother say that when someone really isn't interested in something and confronted they just say no, it's not true. But if they deny it to EXTREMES there is probably something to the accusation.