Monday, January 12, 2009

A Rough Weekend

If you're not up for a rambling, pitiful post you might want to skip this one!

First of all, let me say THANK YOU to all who were praying for our family this past weekend, and for each comment you left here on my blog. I read and cried through every one of them repeatedly! It's amazing how much love and compassion is to be found among friends, especially in God's Church. And over a dog. I can't begin to tell you how much your comments and prayers meant to me. Thank you so much.

Friday night. We got the call from our neighbor at about 6:00, I think, that he had found Hershey. After I got him home I worked at getting him cleaned up and inspecting his injuries, then the kids were able to see him and pray for him for a few minutes. We prayed and cried and called family for prayer and all of that stuff. It wasn't until nearly an hour later when I determined that Hershey's back was broken, or spinal cord damaged or whatever. That was heartbreaking in itself, but he really didn't appear to have any pain at all. We prayed and cried even harder. I started to leave the room to go to the restroom, fully prepared to come back and stay and lay with him throughout the night. James says Hershey lifted his head and watched me walk out of the room, then laid down and stopped breathing. I was barely two steps into the other room when James called me to come back. I know it sounds nutty, but I really think he just didn't want to die while I was there. Is that crazy? Maybe, but I believe it. Dogs are so amazing. In fact, the only reason the neighbor even found Hershey is because of one of his dogs. He got home from work and one of his dalmations came and greeted him, then followed him all over the house crying and whining and just wouldn't stop. He finally got up and she led him to the front door, so he let her outside. She ran over to where Hershey was laying and sat by him and just cried and whined until the man got a flashlight to see what was the matter. Amazing. I'm a firm believer of the "man's best friend" thing.

Anyway, we decided it would be best to go ahead and tell the kids instead of waiting until morning. It was so awful! Katie and Joe were just a wreck--I've never seen them cry so hard. It was difficult to even keep them under control, but we prayed together and talked and cried for a while and they finally calmed down a little bit.

James and I worked on cleaning up all of the mess and putting away Hershey's dishes and things like that. Seemed like it would be easier if the kids didn't wake up and see dog things all around the house in the morning. James built the prettiest little coffin a dog could ask for and we dug a hole in the back yard, then I blogged. I knew that sleep wouldn't come easily, so I stayed up and painted and cried until sometime after 2:00. I had started painting our walk-in closet that day and it seemed best to just finish it up. It needed done and I needed the distraction.

The next morning I woke up to Joe standing next to my bed crying. So we laid in bed and cried a while. The kids had breakfast and I put a quick coat of poly on the now red shelves in the closet. Then we bundled up and went outside in the new fallen snow for Hershey's little funeral. At first Joe said he didn't even want to see the box--just couldn't handle it. But then he decided that we needed to have a funeral for Hershey and that he needed to be there. Katie talked about how much she loved Hershey and I told the kids how God wants us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us. We talked about how much God loves us and how He cares about the things that we care about. Then we all prayed together and thanked God for letting us have Hershey Dog and enjoy him for these years; and for all of the mercy He showed even in Hershey's death. James took the shovel and buried him, then surrounded the grave with the big rocks we'd dug out of the hole the night before, and pounded the cross into the ground. It's a pretty little grave, but it makes me cry every time I walk out the back door and see it!

We came inside and loaded up to go to one of our member's 80th birthday party. Joe had a horrible day, thinking about Hershey and crying off and on all day. It broke my heart and I cried with him every time! We cried in the car, we cried at Sam's Club, we cried at the party, and afterward at Albertson's, and of course we cried when we walked into to a cold, empty, quiet house with nobody here to greet us and be excited that we came home... ~sigh~ Joe just had such a hard time with all of it. I feel like I've learned so much more about my kids through all of this. Katie cried lots on Friday night, then spent the hour before Hershey died drawing pictures of herself with Hershey and writing how much they loved each other. She cried at the "funeral" too, but has pretty much been okay since then. Her personality feels things very deeply, but also very quickly! I think she's pretty well recovered. Joe, true to his nature, said he wished that he would have died instead of Hershey Dog. He has cried more tears than I would have thought his body could produce. And he has talked about Hershey a lot--needs to talk it out to get through it, just like me. Sam acted distant and untouched for a while, even mean and careless about it sometimes. But he broke down and cried real hard on Friday night. I sat down with him on Saturday and told him that God made everybody different; some people cry a lot over things like this and some people, like his Dad, just don't. I told him it's okay if he's not the kind of person to cry a lot; that it doesn't mean that he loved Hershey any less than the rest of us. He started bawling then! I wasn't prepared for that, but since then he's been better about the situation so I guess it was a good thing. By the way, James did cry. ;-) He says it was because the kids and I were taking it so hard, but I happen to know that a few of those tears were because of his own personal love for Hershey Dog! And he says that there's a big hole here now. You can just feel that something is missing here at the house. There's an emptiness and we all hate it!

All of the kids did much, much better yesterday. Joe only broke down and cried two or three times. But I was a wreck!!! I just felt sooooo exhausted and wiped out, and sooooo emotional. I felt like I just cried all day long. It seemed like I had spent all of my energy helping the kids get through this and now that they were doing better it was finally sinking in to me and I was feeling the loss. After church all I really wanted to do was come home and take a nap. But I didn't want to take a nap. Not without a poodle curled up in the crook behind my knees, resting his head on my leg. (It was one of his favorite things.) It's amazing how many silly things make you think about a dog after he's gone! I did lay down, but I just cried and cried and couldn't stop. How dumb is it to cry yourself to sleep over a dog??? I don't know, but that's what I did. I finally fell asleep at some point, and I actually felt much better after my nap. More rational and not quite so emotional.

Today has been a much better day and I've felt a better sense of balance over everything. I've cried a lot, but I have the sense that life will go on and we will eventually get over this. I've really been surprised at how hard this has been for me. I always told myself that Hershey "wasn't Rusty," the dog I had from the time I was 8 until I was 23. I never imagined it would be so hard to say goodbye to Hershey, but I'm sure I'm taking this as hard as when I lost Rusty! That little rat had wormed his way pretty deeply into my heart and I miss him so much! I've been able to function better and got a lot of things done today, but I did take a couple of breaks to go sit on the porch and cry for a few minutes here and there. And it's amazing all of the things that make you think of a dog once he's gone. I cried when I opened the dryer door and that dippy sweater of Hershey's tumbled out. I cried when I washed up his dog dishes and put his leash away. I cried when James dropped a piece of food on the floor and I instinctively wanted to holler, "Oh, Hershey Dog...!" and have him run into the kitchen to assume his happy duty of floor-cleaner-upper. ~sigh~ It's so lonely without him here!

I warned you this would be long and pitiful! I think I'm going to sit down with the kids in the next few days and make a list of the things we always want to remember about Hershey Dog. He really was a good dog. Even though he had his quirks. And even though he ate part of my pie crust at Thanksgiving time and I was ready to kill him. ~sigh~ I'd bake him a pie of his own if I could have him back! But God knows best. I keep telling myself that.

Ah, yes. As awful as this has been, I feel like God has answered our prayers and we have truly seen His love and mercy in this situation. It still just blows my mind that God loves us so much that He arranged for Hershey to be able to be here with us, by a hot, crackling fire (his favorite spot), being taken care of and loved when he died. For all practical purposes, he should have died alone in the cold. But God cares about us enough that He didn't let that happen. He cares enough that Hershey did minimal suffering. He cares enough that he didn't live through the night, or even long enough for the feeling to return and him experience great pain. He cares enough that he let Hershey die quickly and peacefully instead of living through the experience and being paralyzed and not able to walk--and the terrible decision we would have had to make at that point. Everything about it is just so loving and merciful. Little things that perhaps seem crazy to non-dog people (!), but to me they just display how very loving and merciful God is; how special we are to him that He takes such care and concern even with how our dog dies. I feel so, so, so blessed. We've talked about all of that a lot and the kids, after a while, have begun to see and be thankful for those things as well. There's a much longer list of the goodness of God in this situation, but I can't seem to recall the rest right now.

~whew~ Did anybody actually stick through that entire post about a dog most of you never knew?! I didn't blog it as much for you as I did for me. This is my "diary" of sorts and I want to remember how much we loved that crazy dog and even how much we miss him right now. And I certainly want to remember the lessons that God is teaching all of us through this. I'll try real hard to have something else to blog about next time. ;-) Again, thank you all for your love, your comments, and your prayers. I appreciate them all so very much. You're the best!!!


Momma Tammi said...

I boo hoo'd all the way through your post. When Samson broke his neck and we thought we were going to have to put him to sleep...I was a basket case so I really can relate. I am glad that you are all doing a little better now. Those precious memories will become sweet and less bitter over time. We'll keep praying for your comfort. Love ya!

marshasblog said...

This was a very touching post...I feel your pain..I had a dog, Tucker, for 12 years. I got him when I was 17 years old..I had him before I had my we got married I brought him with me..Loved him so much..he got cancer and unfortunately we had to put him to sleep because he was in so much was miserable. That was almost 4 years ago. Be thankful that Hershey didn't have to suffer too badly...I still have myself a good cry over Tucker sometimes..but I have found room in my heart for another Great puppy...Booker...I've had him for a little over a year now..and he lights up our home...I'll still be praying for you and the family...

Vicki Smith said...

I read and cried through the whole pitiful post. ;-) I loved Hershey Dog, too, even though he was a pest. It won't be the same without him. You know your Dad loves dogs and would love to have one of his own, but it's just not feasible with our travel schedule; but he always enjoyed having Hershey around. He was our only "grand-dog." :-) Just like people are different, dogs each have their own unique personality. We will miss Hershey. I'll pray the Lord fills the "hole" and "emptiness" you're feeling right now.
Thank you for posting your thoughts and feelings. I hope it helps. I love you.

Tam said...

You should NOT apologize for any of this. Dog's are apart of families. I dread the day we loose our Pomeranian. We've had her for almost 12 years now.

If you want to post about Hershey for the next year, go ahead. It's your blog and your feelings. Don't feel bad AT ALL!

God understands and if there are those people that say "it's just a dog"....then they don't have to read.

Sorry, don't mean to sound ugly but it's the truth.

love and prayers!

Kasey said...

I stuck through, just took me a bit long through blurry tear filled eyes. :( I know that sinkly feeling that lasts for awhile. When we had to put blacky down...ugh...I have had to many animals pass away. Anyway, God gets us through it, He gets us through everything. Maybe at some point down the road, another little dog will find your family and fills it with the love only a doggy can give. Too soon now, but maybe someday.

Montgomery's said...

So sorry for the families loss. Dogs do have a special place in a lot of peoples hearts. They do become part of your life.

marvoop said...

We are praying for you guys. We lost Siouxsie last May. It was sad for the entire family. Kryss said that God has drawn him closer to him since Siouxsie died. She was 18 a few weeks from being 19 and Kryss had her since she could fit in the palm of his hand. It is hard, we still think we see Sioux around. We know God has everything in control and it is all in His timing.

J Nowling said...

Sis Becki, I feel so bad...I some how missed reading the Hershey dog post. I was thinking I already had and actually never went to it and then read this post and realized it all. My heart is heavy for you as it brought back memories of the pets in my childhood and the girls childhood and how hard it was to lose any of them. I will continue to pray for you all.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that you guys are feeling some better. We just have to take these things day by day, but the Lord is with us each step of the way. :o) I've only had Blue a little over a year, but I truly believe the Lord sent him to me because He knew, if nothing else, I'd need a little entertainment to get by every day. :o) Anyway, I will be continually praying for each of you. By the way - I just love what Psalm 56:8 says - ¶ Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? He is aware of every single tear we cry, and He really does care.

Tammy Washburn said...

I've been busy "picking on people" at the other forum and am now catching up with blogs.

I'm sorry to hear about Hershey! I know ya'll are sad.

I hope that someone has reported the vicious dog to the police who did this to Hershey. Your Dad was could have been...or could be...your children or someone else's child. Vicious dogs should not be considered as pets.

ToughLady said...

Oh Sis. Becki, I cried reading your blog just now, Do you remember I think you were about 8 or 9 I am not sure but you had a dog named dusty do you remember. he got killed somehow i don't remember you were sitting on the floor by your bed and you were holding his dog tags criing your dad came in i can't remember what he said to you but seeing that and him praying with you it has always been im my memory, some fathers would probably say get over it but not your dad, your dad has always been such a loving and caring father, and i am sure he would of liked to been their to comfort you right now, and your kids to, but like sparrow said God is aware of every single tear we cry.. Love ya

Erika J. said...

I too made it through the entire post.

Precious was a dog we purchased when I was 2 years old. As he grew older (yes, i said HE.), he had developed arthritis, bad eyesite and bad hearing. We finally had to put him to sleep when he was 16 years old. Things like that are never easy. Especially when they are a part of such fond memories.

I am glad that you all are doing better and you have been able to use this situation as a way to teach your children that God is ALWAYS with us no matter the situation!

cokelady said...

Sister Tammi -- I know you're right. The memories will bring more smiles than tears as time goes on. Thanks for the reminder!

Sister Marsha -- I know EXACTLY what you mean about your Tucker! I had my Rusty for 15 years and took him with me when I got married. I barely even remembered life without him and it was AWFUL when I had to put him down. AND I cried over him again just a few months ago! I'm so glad you guys have Booker. Although he doesn't replace your first dog I know it helps to fill that awful void.

Mom -- Thanks for all of your love through all of this. And Dad's, of course. You know, I remember Dad telling me in the past that it's dumb to cry over a dog... with tears sneaking down his cheeks!

Sister Tammy -- Thanks for stopping by. All of the concern shown here has been truly amazing! I hope God blesses you with many more years with your little dog.

Kasey -- Again, thank you. I know you've gone through your own pet losses recently, but they certainly can't compare to your greater loss. You manage to cope with true heartache so well and are a blessing to others in the midst of it! I had to laugh at your comment because it reminded me of something Joe said. After Hershey had died and I was trying to console the kids I told Joe that I was about his age when my first dog died and that it was hard. He said, "It must have been really hard for you, Mom, because ALL of your dogs have died!" I had to chuckle through my tears!

Amy -- Thank you!

Wendy -- Tell Kryss how sorry I am about Siouxsie. That's an awful long time to have an animal and then have to learn to live without them. But how wonderful that it has worked to draw him closer to the Lord! You're right--God knows what He's doing.

Sister Nowling -- Thank you. It's so nice to know that other people can actually relate to all these crazy tears and I'm not just NUTS for being so upset over a dog! It's hard for any of us to loose them. God did such an amazing thing when He created dogs and gave them to be part of our families.

Shanna -- I LOVE that verse. It's been one of my favorites for quite some time. It is so overwhelming to think of God keeping track of every tear that we shed. He loves us sooooo much!

Sister Tammy -- I'm certain that Hershey's death was an accident rather than a vicious attack. He only had four small puncture marks, two on either side of his back. There was no tearing or indication that he had been shaken or in any way bitten more than just that once. He wasn't "attacked." I know Hershey and can imagine exactly what happened. He somehow squeezed into the yard of four dalmations; they were too big to get through the fence, but he was small enough to get in. Hershey was way too friendly for his own good. Typically, people loved him... and other dogs hated him! He was such a pest and just wouldn't leave them alone. I'm guessing that Hershey just kept pestering the dogs until one of them had enough and finally turned and gave him one quick "leave me alone" bite, probably intending it only as a warning. But they were so much bigger than him. For all I know, it could have been Lucy--the one that was crying and whining and alerted her owner to a problem. Maybe when she realized he was really hurt her mothering instincts kicked in or something. Only God knows really. But dalmations are typically very docile and Hershey was in THEIR yard; they weren't roaming the streets looking for a fight. There's simply nothing to report; it was just a tragic accident.

Janis -- I can't tell you how much your comment meant to me! I do remember Dusty. He was a "party poodle," brown with white markings for eyebrows and a little goatee and four white socks. He was hit by a car up in Howard, actually. I remember clearly how terrible it was to loose him, but I have no recollection of the account you mentioned with my Dad. But it means so much to me that YOU remember! You're right, he has always been such a loving and caring father, so good and patient with me--and I can just about guarantee he was crying with me, too! What a special memory. Thank you!

Erika -- Thank you so much. It must have been so hard to loose a dog at age 18, when you had never known life without him! We do live through these things. It's just not very fun and easy! Thank you for the thoughts and prayers.

Tammy K. said...

Becki....this was so sad. I cried and cried. It must be the pregnancy :o) You know I am not typically a dog lover , but I love people and I hate when they are hurting and now that we have Archie, I can relate A LOT more to the love of dogs. Sam went to our back yard the morning after Hershey died and realized our gate had been open all night, Archie just never realized it. I told Sam it woiuld have been So sad if we would have lost Archie the same night you lost Hershey. It scared me.

Rebekah Doran said...

You had me crying through this post. *sniff, sniff* Most people don't know, but I have cried when I lost a few puppy pets while growing up. One got runned over and the other got bit by a big, mean old dog. I cried when both died.

cokelady said...

Thanks, Tammy--I know you're not a dog person... at least you still struggle to admit it! I'm so glad Archie didn't get out that night--that really would have been terrible!

Bekah--Now EVERYBODY knows you cried when your dogs died! ;-) Nothing wrong with that. At least I HOPE there's nothing wrong with it! ~sigh~ It's just so NOT FUN. Unfortunately, when you get a dog you are committing to one day mourn that dog; generally, you're going to live longer and have to endure the grief of losing him. I HATE that part!!! Still, as bad as this is, IT'S WORTH IT.