Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And as for NEW YORK

But first...

Today's been a pretty good one. We had a slow start and ended up watching the Inaguration; something that I didn't plan on doing. But then we figured that kids all across the country were doing that for "school," so we did, too. The kids didn't make it through the whole thing, but that's okay--I didn't either. That wacky poem did me in. GOOD GRIEF!!!

After that we loaded up and went shopping because we had nothing in the house to eat. Last night we had tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches... but we only had enough bread for two and a half sandwiches, so I dumped the rest of the tortilla chip crumbs on a cookie sheet and made nachos so we'd have enough food. So not shopping was not an option today. Got home and were so tired!!! We didn't even start school until nearly 4:00, but still managed to finish up by about 5:30. The only things we skipped were science and handwriting. It was too late to pull of a traditional dinner, so we had breakfast instead: bacon and eggs and bisquits.

And now...


Remember a while back when I mentioned that my blog tracker lets me know how many hits my site gets, when they are here, and where they came from? And I seem to have a regular viewer (or more than one?) from New York. It's pretty cool, except that I don't know anybody in New York. Still, no biggie.

Well, do you also remember that crazy little Wikki-Stix sculpture that Katie put on eBay??? Well, it SOLD! For $2.25 plus $1 shipping. Crazy and cute all at once, right? Everything was cool until we realized that the buyer is from NEW YORK!

This leaves only 3 possibilites:

1. A friend or member of the Church in New York (who has wished thus far not to identify themselves) looks at my blog, somehow found it cute that a 7 year old was trying to sell something, thought they'd humor her, looked it up on eBay and bought it. That's nice.

2. There is some weird-o out there stalking us! Sounds nutty, right?! Probably, but these days you just never know! I mean, what are the chances that a Wikki-Stix sculpture is actually going to sell on eBay? Then, that it sells to a person from New York... where there just happens to be somebody who looks at my blog on a regular basis?! (An average of at least 3 times a day, it appears.) Still, it wouldn't be that big of a deal since I try to be real careful about not giving too many specifics about our family--last name, city, etc. But (!!!), now that this person bought Katie's sculpture, eBay automatically sent them our name and address. Gre-e-e-e-e-eat. Good thinkin', Bec. You just HAD to blog about it, right?! It NEVER occured to me that if there WAS a freak out there they could see this on my blog and think, "Hhmmm... I could figure out who and where these people are if only I bought the thing!" ~sigh~ I'm so dumb. In any case, what's done is done. I'm not scared or worried or even nervous about it, but it does bother me that I did something so dumb! It's kind of cool that I have the blog traker though. If I didn't, I wouldn't even know that there was somebody from NY checking out my blog. This way, I've got their IP address and they can be tracked--besides the fact that I now have a name and address as well. Not to say that it definitely IS the same person... which brings us to possibility #3.

3. It was a mere coincidence. That won't make my Dad feel any better (he's going to KILL me when he finds out about this!), but there always is that option. And I really rather prefer it. :-) Perhaps somebody in New York who doesn't even know I HAVE a blog stumbled upon that eBay listing and for whatever reason, decided to buy it. After all, New York is a pretty big place! (But I looked up the address and it is very near where my blog tracker is picking up some action...)

So just in case there is some weird-o out there...

I'm on to you now! ;-)


Vicki Smith said...

Remember too, there are more people in New York CITY than there are in your whole state. So just because your lurker (actually, that's not a very comforting term!) and the ebay customer are near the same area, doesn't mean a whole lot.

Rachel said...

Why don't you just message your ebay buyer and ask them what possessed them to buy it?

Tammy Washburn said...

I have a NYorker on my tracker too...so it's probably just a friend of a friend of a friend. I occasionally read people's blogs who I don't know and who don't know me...all because I followed a link from one blog to another. I sometimes go back to the interesting ones....and we all know that YOUR blog is very interesting! Ha! :)

Jared Nolen said...

Sis.Becki, does ohio come up on ur blog? for visits. I'm from ohio and i read your blog religously maybe i'm showin up as NewYork?

Rebekah Doran said...

Wow, $2.25 huh? That's great. I doubt some weirdo from NY is stalking your family. I like Rachel's suggestion.