For perhaps the first time in the history of his life, The Fiend was right. (I'm just making a safe assumption about that "first time ever" thing. I haven't actually been privy to all of his decisions and statements...but I would think it safe to ask his wife for an affirmation of my suspicion.) ;-) Anyway, it WAS cheaper to fix the vacuum than replace it. Wa-a-a-a-a-a-a-ay cheaper. James took it to the Oreck dealer and the lady hauled it into the back room for about 3 minutes, fixed it, and handed it back to him. NO CHARGE. Wa-Hoo!!!!! ~sigh~ God is soooooo good! (And YES, Mom, I did pray!!!) Apparently when I pulled that slick little trip-slam move the other day it yanked a connection loose where the cord attaches to the handle and the girl was able to get it fixed with no problem at all. Life is grand!
As for the house, I'm still winning... one small baby step at a time. I really expected to knock the whole project out in a day, but I've had a few minor delays so I'm actually just sort of conquering the mountain an inch at a time. Every night when I go to bed I tell myself that tomorrow I should be able to finish up. I'm oh-so-close, but I've been oh-so-close for at least 3 days now. So I'll go to bed tonight telling myself the same thing. "Tomorrow..." One of these days I'll be right. A happy day it will be. Maybe I'll celebrate with a raspberry cream soda. (We should be equipped to make one of those by tomorrow night, just in case I actually do pull through and conquer the house after all.)
In closing, I just had to share this:
James made a menu! Ha! Gotta love it. :-) (I'm hoping the lack of prices means that he doesn't intend to actually charge our friends and family who come to visit. You never can be too sure with James--he's always looking for ways to make a buck or two! Ha!)
I'm gonna start at the end...the menu is GREAT! I especially like the part about helping yourself to the pantry! :-)
Thank the Lord for an easy vacuum fix.
Even more impressive than the vacuum fix is the transformation in your husband! God truly has been good to you guys!!!
DITTO to everything Emilee said. :-D
I never knew Brother James had been such a bad And what's wrong with Doug Oldham? ;)
Love the menu and I have something I am sending you very soon. You probably think, why? because I saw it and thought of all your renovations plus it was cheap. Ha! Your scratching your head about now thinking Sist. Marcia has never sent me anything before other than a Christmas card. What is going on? :)
Hopefully you'll love it if not give it away to a good home. It's coming soon!
Em--Thanks!!! I liked that "help yourself" part of the menu, too. :-) James did a great job with it. And I KNOW--he is so great now!
Mom--Read my reply to Em; it fits for your ditto. ;-)
Brother Donnie--James was nothing like the picture of perfection I was when we got married (~ahem~) and had a particular impatience with clumsy, forgetful, oblivious, innocently destructive and occasionally incompetent people... Which always made me wonder why insisted on marrying one! He's developed a who-o-o-o-o-o-ole lot of patience over the past 9 years. And I've learned a few things, myself. ;-) All I can say is GOD IS GOOD AND KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HE'S DOING. :-)
As for what's wrong with Doug Oldham... if you have to ask, there's no point trying to explain. ;-) Nothing personal against the man, just a preference. A very, very strong preference. A preference that affects me deeply and induces an uncontrollable twitch that quickly turns to violence in one form or another. Nothing major. ;-) Actually, I never felt strongly about the issue until James took it upon himself to play the part. Somehow that advanced my feelings considerably!
Sister Marcia--Sorry, I missed your comment when I was replying to the others. You're right... I'm quite curious as to whatever it is that's headed our way! THANK YOU for it--how thoughtful of you!!! I'll be looking for "it," whatever it may be. :-)
I am glad your still with us. James took it real well.... I am
SO happy it ended up being a free fix. Thats great. Love the menus. Very fun and inviting.
I too love the "check the pantry and help yourself". I can't wait to come have a coke for FREE!!!! :o)
That song, "Thanks to Calvary" was also sung by The Cathedrals in their Farewell Album. Cool menu! Bro. James could charge people for a soda and put the money in missions or something. We keep cokes in the fridge at church and sell them for 50 cents a can. The proceeds go toward the printer duplicator thingies. We've made close to $300 and we take money out to restock the fridge when it gets low. We only buy the good sales.
Great news on the vac. Praise the Lord.
And I love the menu. Fun stuff.
Now about James before you two met ... who would've ever thought?
Cerrrrrtainly not me. *ahem* ;-)
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