Sunday, April 5, 2009

For Tayde

Who translated the Western Skies into Spanish in record time this month (it was truly amazing), BLOGGED for the first time in a month (!!!), AND even bragged about the Western Skies in said blog. Here you go, Tayde!

You deserve it! ;-)

As for the rest of you, thanks for all the comments! I think the boys' cowboy room is pretty cool and they are sooooo excited to have all their western stuff up again. Sam has been in full sheriff garb ever since. :-)

Kasey, you're CRAZY! I knew the wrapping paper was visible (only because of the flash--otherwise the closet is just dark inside!), but I didn't think anybody would be able to tell what it WAS! Ha!

Em & Bekah, thanks and I think you're right--it's surely time for some good books! :-) I actually just read a book about the Duggar family (the folks from Arkansas with 18 kids) and it was nice... but not as fun as the O'Malley series or anything! Ha!

Charity, Joe has had a fixation with the guitar since before he was two years old and it's never seemed to waver. He's been learning some chords and hopefully we'll be able to get him some training from somebody who knows how to play. Sam, who likes to be under the bed as much as on top of it (!), may follow along and learn to play, too. Only time will tell!

Mom, it was time for a new template even though I really, really liked the last one. Needed something a little more... bright and cheery or something! This will work for a while. I love the colors. :-)

Sister Tammy, thanks! The jail door is sooooo fitting. The boys' regularly haul each other off to jail now. Actually, the other day Joe was driving me BONKERS and I actually made him "go to jail" for about 15 minutes. Ha! What a great concept! I can't believe it took us so long to think of it! ;-)

Tayde, are you going to come see the place in person? And stay with us for a while like you talked about last summer??? The offer still stands! And it's a much nicer place than it was a year ago! :-)

Okay, I think that's it. We had a nice Sunday. I really, really enjoyed the SS lesson on prayer this morning. So many good things in there. And I love it that we have brand new, fresh lessons! That's so great! James had a headache today and spent most of the afternoon in bed. I decided to forgo the Sunday afternoon nap so I could get the Spanish Western Skies formatted. I was able to get it done and James printed it tonight.

We are still having service in the motel for now (still praying for a more permanant place!) and tonight James had taken some old Assembly DVD's to show as part of his CPMA service. Some of those clips are just so neat! Anyway, after service our family just hung out at the motel for a while. James ran to Target to pick up some popcorn and slushies and we watched a movie there in the meeting room since the projector and screen were already set up! Ha! It was great fun and the kids thought it was terrific.

Well, I'm trying real hard to write shorter, less rambling posts (how am I doin', Em?!) and to get to bed a little earlier than usual. I've been in a bad really, really late night rut for a while. So I'm gonna call it quits. Have a great Monday, everybody! (As if there is such a thing!)


Vicki Smith said...

YAY!!! You're starting to blog more regularly. THANK YOU!

Tammy Washburn said...

EVERY boy's room should have a "jail" closet! It just makes so much sense. ;):)

What hotel (name) do ya'll have church in?

cokelady said...

I'm trying, Mom! :-)

We're currently using the Sandia Courtyard Hotel & Convention Center, formerly Howard Johnson, for our Sunday services. We meet in a home on Thursday nights.

Jamey said...

WoW! YOur house looks great. Isaac loves Joe and Sam's room. Of course! I cant believe its the same house. YOu guys have done a great job! Cant wait to see it in person and get to have a soda at the KJS Soda Fountain. Hehe! You guys should come up and be with us for the YOuth Revival. It would be great to have you guys.

Marcia Brooks said...

Love how the boys room turned out. and I like the new template especially the great photos of the kids. Ha! how fun are those kids. Wow are you blessed. :)