Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Latest Head Injury

~sigh~ That kid.

So tonight we stopped for gas on our way home from church. The boys couldn't wait the whole 10 minutes until we got home and insisted they had to use the restroom immediately. So I marched them inside and waited for them. Joe started jogging back out to the van and stepped on the... whatcha-call-it (the cement block thing that you pull your car up to)... and his foot slipped off of it and he fell. Hard. Very, very hard. I saw it happen and knew before he even caught his breath that he was gonna be hurtin' in several places, but his head is what hit the pavement real hard. I was on the phone with Mom at the moment and she can vouch for the seriousness of the screaming that ensued. I was thankful that there wasn't any blood and we loaded Joe up and came on home. By the time we got here he had a nice little lump on the side of his forehead that is a slightly greenish color. Mom says not to let him sleep for an hour or two. Doesn't she know it's past bedtime?! We lo-o-o-o-o-o-ove bedtime around here. ;-) So right now he's sitting on the couch across the room from me reading a book for a while. Oh... not anymore. Now all three kids have been summoned from their respective beds and couches by the soda jerk who is experimenting in an effort to create the perfect vanilla malt. :-)

Anyway, back to Joe... The most disturbing thing is that he insists he can't remember what happened. Says he remembers going into the bathroom, but that's it. He keeps asking what happened to his head. I'm 95% sure that he's just playing it up, having read somewhere about amnesia and how it can be induced by a severe blow to the head. But since it is Joe and he is prone to crazy injuries that nobody else would venture to try, there's still that 5% chance that he's on the level! Ha! Anyway, say a prayer for Joe. He can't bear for his cognitive skills to be hindered any further than they already are! He's already the most forgetful kid I've ever known. Except maybe myself. ;-)

It's been another good day around here for the most part. School went well. We started in on a new study in science. We're going to be learning about the human body, so today we started with the 5 senses. Sister Galaviz lent us a really neat book with some fantastic illustrations to go along with the other book we'll be going through, so that will be fun to get into. All three kids made these "models" today with flaps that open so you can see what everything looks like in your head.

I finished reading The Wizard of Oz to the kids. It's amazing how different it is from the movie--in a thousand ways! The kids seemed to really enjoy it. "Just one more chapter, Mom!!!" They've never seen the movie, but the book was a hit!

Katie also finished up on her felt craft today, so I was able to take a picture of the kids with their projects.

Joe made a "D" coaster for his Dad. Sam made a dinosaur piggy bank for himself. And Katie made a Bible cover for herself. Is that not the coolest thing?! I'm so proud of all of them--they did so good! Katie had to really stretch the thread (see the huge stitches at the bottom?! Ha!) because she was running out, but when we get more she'll be able to re-do that part and make it a little more uniform. Either way, she had great fun making it and is so happy with it. And me, too! I'm just so proud of her! What a fun craft--for all of them.

We had a really good BTI study tonight. I, personally, didn't appreciate that the lesson left us in the Dark Ages until next week (I'm much more of a ride-off-into-the-sunset ending sort of a person--why couldn't we at least get started into the Arise, Shine?!), but we had lots of good discussion and everybody seemed to really enjoy it. It lasted nearly 2 hours, I think.

And that's it! The kids are finished with their malts and I just finished my cherry-vanilla Coke. :-) Life is so grand! I think I'm going to shoo everybody off to bed and just relax for a while tonight. If you think of it, pray for Joe and his head. Not just the injury... his head! ;-)


EmileeAnn said...

LOVE the picture of James in his soda fountain! That is soooo fun!!!

The felt projects are GREAT! I'm very impressed that Katie made her own Bible cover. That's quite an undertaking. The boys' projects look really good too!

Sounds like things are back to "normal" around the Horne home. Yippee!

Vicki Smith said...

I've been praying for Joe. Hearing all that screaming on the phone was a bit unnerving! Especially since I didn't know just how serious things were.
The felt projects are adorable. How fun! I'm so glad all of my grandchildren are regular library visitors. It opens up all sorts of possibilities.
The picture of the "jerk" is so great! What a neat little soda fountain you guys have. If/when you guys ever put the house on the market you should have that very picture on the brochure. :-) Without a happy "jerk" in the shot it just wouldn't be as appealing. :-D

~Amy said...

Totally agree, Sister Smith. The jerk does need to be on the brochure. Too funny.

Poor Joe. I understand the problem of being a little clutzy. Will be praying.

What a neat Bible cover. Hey, Katie could make a few more to sell at the Assembly for Missions! That'd be neat. The other projects are very cool as well. Way to go, Becki, for getting those kids in the library and getting them into creative projects like that. :-)

Momma Tammi said...

Very impressed with the felt projects...all three did a great job.

How's Joe feeling this morning? Having had one of those bonks to the head and losing most of my memory...I really, truly hope that Joe was pulling your leg about not remembering what happened and that he has fully recovered by the time he woke up this morning.

Great pic of your husband. All that is missing is the hat.

Tammy Washburn said...

Lord bless the little knot-head. We must be related somehow. ;) :)

Cool crafts!

I would be such a disappointment to Mr. Soda-man. I like pure, unadulterated...Coke Classic...with no extra flavorings. Ha! However, does his establishment serve root beer floats?

cokelady said...

Em -- I was thinking just the other day how great it is to be finished with the house and be back to "normal" life. I've been able to do so many normal Mom things this week (reading a book to the kids, doing crafts, starting new units in school, having them help with dinner, reviving "regular" chores...) and it just feel sooooo good!

Mom & Amy--WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!? Let me just say... WHAT brochure?!?!? Putting the house on the market and moving away is just about the LAST thing I want to think about right now--we just FINISHED it!!! Those are not friendly thoughts you're thinking at all. Shame on you both!

Sister Tammi--We've had only minimal complaints from Joe about his head today. I think he's going to live! :-)

Sister Tammy--You'll never believe this, but the Soda Jerk himself only ever drinks plain old fashioned Coke Classic! I tell him it's NUTS! He's equipped to make such a great variety of sodas that you can't get anywhere else... and he'll go make himself a Coke! Ha! He does have Coca-Cola syrup and makes his own now. :-) And he said he's thought about getting some root beer syrup so he can do the floats. It's probably only a matter of time. ;-)