Wednesday was a big, ugly, messy, smelly, productive day around here. The kind you love and hate all at once. We moved all of James' stuff out of the shed and into his office... FOR THE LAST TIME, I hope! We got the bookshelves and file cabinets and stuff like that moved in, while piling all the boxes of stuff all over the deck James built during the first part of the week.
I took this picture a few days ago. Joe has been writing books quite a bit lately. He'll write one or two chapters at a time and just keep building. I'm not sure they ever really end. Anyway, I thought at least Grandma Vicki would enjoy this. :-)
He also had a red letter day on Thursday. He caught his very first lizard and was sooooooo excited!!! He just giggled and pranced around and giggled and then giggled some more. Ha! I was pretty proud of him. Katie caught a lizard with one unusable leg (I had to wash the sap out of it's toes, remember?!) and Joe caught one a while back, but it was obviously sick. So this is his first healthy lizard catch and he was ecstatic. He was a crazy looking little thing. He was normal from the top, but had these metalic blue markings on his underside. Weird!
Thursday was the big prep day before leaving for Youth Convention. It was just a little itty-bitty trip for us (only about 3 hours to Hatch), but I always take the opportunity to accomplish a lot as if it was a big trip. Lots of house cleaning and laundry. I stayed up late and got all the ironing done as well. Friday morning we got up and packed and headed out at about noon.
I'm sorry to say I didn't get take very many pictures at Youth Convention. The building didn't have the greatest lighting and we were sitting near the back of the very full building (a great problem to have!) and it just wasn't a very good set up for taking pictures. In fact, here's my one and only! These are some of the Colorado folk... doing something! Leading songs, perhaps???
We did have a really great Youth Convention and were so very blessed. We had an attendance of over 140, which is our best ever. Praise the Lord! There were lots of visitors there, 3 saved, and 8 baptized--some who had been wanting to for nearly 2 years! How exciting!!! I did get pictures from the baptismal service, so here we go!
The Banuelos boys used their guitars as much for sun screens as they did for instruments. ;-) That Hatch sun was really beating down on us and it didn't take long to make you start looking for shade! There was a wonderful spirit there, though, and those being baptized were so blessed. That, of course, was a blessing to the rest of us!
Daniel Doerfler
I never did learn this guy's name!
This is one of the Olivarez boys... Moises? Is that right??? He's so shy, but God is really doing a work in his life.
Belen had to be triple dunked (didn't get her all the way under the first two tries!), but I think that just means she was triple blessed. :-)
Sophia has been needing to be baptized for ages now. She had some physical issues that could have hindered her this time, but she wanted to be obedient to the Lord and she was soooooo blessed. And, of course, she didn't have any negative side effects--God touched her physically as well. :-)
About half way through the service I felt somebody tapping me and turned around to find Joe behind be with tears just streaming down his face. He said he felt like maybe God was wanting him to be baptized. Joe has a hard time saying conclusively that he's saved most of the time. "But Mom, how do I know that I'm saved?" "But I'm still bad sometimes--I can't be saved." Stuff like that. Only God knows when the "age of accountability" comes for each person and when true salvation occurs, so I just encourage Joe to keep seeking God and that at some point God will help him know that he is saved. Anyway, with the baptismal thing, I just felt like he should follow through and DO it since he felt like God was prompting him to do so. So I encouraged him to go ahead. I want him to learn to be sensitive to the Lord and quick to obey. I know what it's like to go through those "What if it's not really God telling me to do this?" feelings. Anyway, Joe was near backing out (was scared to death to be baptized--even asked James and Brother Tanny, "Do you have to put me all the way under???" And then, "Don't hold me down too long, Dad!" Ha!) and wasn't at all thrilled about getting into that ole' muddy Rio Grande! But he felt like that's what God wanted him to do, so in he went. We didn't have any extra clothes for him, but that's a silly reason to not be baptized if you feel like God is telling you to!
As always, we had some late nights and good fellowship at Convention. Though I shocked most of the crowd by actually missing out on some of the craziness this time. It was weird from my end, too, I assure you! Ha! I feel confident it was a one-time thing and I'll be back in full party mode by next time. Which is... oh, about a week from now! :-)
We couldn't talk the Fiend into stopping by our house on his way back to Colorado, even though his wife was all for it and it would have added only 20 miles to his trip... Jerk. We ate at Panda Express after church tonight and this is what my fortune cookie said:
I was sure to call the Fiend and tell him that he BLEW it. It was written in the stars that they were supposed to stop by and he has now thrown everything out of whack. He wasn't impressed. The welcome visitor, of course, would have been his wife. Oh well, maybe next time. :-)
We made it home at about 2:00 today, I think. Unloaded the van, then crashed for a while. I slept so hard and had a terrible time waking up for church! But I felt great by the time we got there and Sister Galaviz had a really terrific ABM service, as always. Sooooo many good thoughts--and I even felt some inspiration here and there concerning our Camp theme, although her service was on a different theme. How does that work?! Anyway, it was very, very good.
The kids are in bed now, the laundry is started, and I go a-blogging. Not sure what to do with the rest of the night now though. I'm sure I'll think of something! Hope everybody had a GREAT weekend. :-)
YES! A new blog! Dad is sitting here beside me as I read your post to him and show him the pictures. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING!!! It feels SO GOOD to have a touch of home while we're half way around the world.
Joe's "book" is VERY good for a 7 year old! Actually, I'm quite sure there are plenty of kids twice his age who couldn't do any better. Of course, they're public school kids, so that's not a very fair comparison. :-D
The office looks great! The deck is real cute and reminds me of the deck on my office in Howard.
Gotta go, or I'd just write more and more. But we don't have WIFI in this hotel, just a cable connection and it's Dad's turn to plug the cable into HIS computer.
Love the post! It was neat hearing about Joe.....!! Boy, does it look HOT there!
Awwwww...Joe's Baptism made me cry at work... :) I just love it when children feel the Lord and want to obey. Congratulations Joe!
I think that guy's name that was baptized is Eli? Good post, your on the ball. I'm impressed.
The unknown man being baptized is Adrian (the guy Sister Keila referred to in her testimony). I only know because I asked Tayde Saturday night. He looked familiar to me, but had no idea who he was.
From one writer to another...
EXCELLENT STORY!!! I enjoyed every bit of it and it kept my interest. Keep writing. You have a gift.
Sis. Tammy
Very cool story about the little fells getting baptized. The whole convention looked and sounded great! Ours is this weekend, we're very excited.
Gotta go...would you believe we are cleaning out our shed today?
Ouch! That kinda smarted, Sister Smith. We do work pretty hard teaching those "public schoolers", ya know? ;-)
Very cool pictures of the convention.
And, Joe, that story was GREAT!!!! Hope you finish it and that your mom posts the rest on her blog. :-)
Convention sounded like it was wonderful and that's awesome about Joe. I don't think it me that has an adventuresome place. :) You have the snake & lizard catchers. ha. Love reading about what's going on. Take care!
Mom -- So glad you were able to have some Internet access while you were on the other side of the globe. (That's still SO WEIRD. Almost as weird as there being no Godzilla in Japan!) It was great to get a couple of blips from you from all the way over there. :-)
Jessa -- It was VERY hot in the sun, but James assured me that the Rio Grande was NOT hot! River baptismals are always the best. :-)
Sister Tammy -- I was sure to let Joe read what you wrote so he would know that his obedience to the Lord blessed somebody else, too. And to encourage his writing. :-) I, personally, love his stories and they're always written in a way that seems to be quite advanced for his age. But I always wonder if I think that just because I'm his Mom! Ha! I'm glad to know a true writer thinks well of them, too. :-)
Tammy -- Emilee is right; I asked James. Eli is the Coyazo's grandson who was baptised first. I didn't get a picture of him though.
Brother Donnie -- I'm so sorry!!! Anybody cleaning out a shed deserves a great deal of sympathy, so I hearby heap it upon you heartily. Hope you're done by now! ;-)
Amy -- I'll leave the public school thing between you and Mom! Ha! (She did tell me today that she made that statement for your benefit, knowing you'd enjoy it! Not very nice, is it?!) Anyway, I'll be sure to post more of Joe's story when he writes more. He said he already wrote the next chapter, but it was lousy and he through it out. He'll try again one of these days, I'm sure!
Other Amy -- I don't know... I think your house is full of plenty of excitement!!! I can handle the snakes (garter--nothing "real"!) and lizards... but the centipede today really creeped me out! BLEAGH!!!
Amy D., I couldn't help myself from putting a plug in there for home schooling. ;-) I realize there are some very good teachers in the public school system and I'm convinced you are one of the VERY GOOD ones, but nobody can love their student and do as good a job of teaching morals and good character as a parent can teach their OWN child, one on one. I'm positive you could teach your little boy better than ANY other teacher out there. No matter how good a public school teacher is, he/she has a whole ROOM of children to try to teach. Besides, I believe the Bible teaches that parents are responsible to teach their own children. Furthermore, in the public school system the "really good teachers" who "work very hard" are sadly outnumbered by the mediocre or lousy teachers who do NOT work very hard. Okay, I'll get off my soap box now. :-D
Sister Smith, I love you so much. :P
Frankly, I'm a little worried about what's going to happen to the public school system now that *you know who* is in the White House. (You know how much I like him.) *rolling eyes*
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