Friday, May 21, 2010

Nothing to Blog

Are you buyin' it??? I blogged myself to death while on vacation and now that I'm home I don't feel like there's really anything to talk about. But you know me. I can ramble anyway. ;-)

Uummm... we had Thanksgiving the other day. It was GREAT. When were on day 7 or 8 of our trip I read that Melissa Otterbacher's family had had Thanksgiving that day, turkey, stuffing, and all the fixin's. After eating out and picnicking for a week straight that just sounded soooooo good! I remembered that we had a turkey in the freezer at home, so I made up my mind right then and there that we'd have a nice turkey dinner, too, just as soon as we got home. I thawed the bird on Tuesday (we had tostada casserole that night--always a big hit around here) and we had a nice, big turkey dinner on Wednesday afternoon. It was great! I love having the left-overs, though I must confess that turkey sandwiches taste really strange in May. I even made a pumpkin pie because I had enough pumpkin in the freezer for one. Everything is really good... but honestly, it really does taste WEIRD in May! Ha! Weird or not, we're enjoying the left-overs.

In other news, I STILL have a sore throat and I have developed a cough that just sort of goes bazerk on me at night, then eases up a whole lot during the day. My throat only hurts when I swallow. Or cough. And sometimes breathe. Ha! No, it doesn't hurt when I breathe anymore, so that's nice. I had the sweaty chills off and on for days and have been wearing my heaviest sweatshirts and still shivering... then peeling them off and gasping for air, only to immediately get chilled and shiver my way back into the sweatshirt. Today I've actually been comfortable. Started with the sweatshirt, got hot, switched to a t-shirt, and have been comfortable ever since. ~aaaaahhhhhhh~ It's the little things we take for granted, you know? :-) I've been praying for God to heal me, but failed to actually get anointed and prayed for at church last night. That was dumb. I was feeling so much better at the time, you know?! I've spent the last three nights up coughing until two or three o'clock or better before I'm finally able to stop and go to sleep. Actually, I don't know if that's when I stop coughing and fall asleep, or if that's when I start coughing IN my sleep. ?! The weirdest thing is, I don't feel fatigued at all. We went on that mondo trip and came home and I never have crashed. I always crash after trips. This time I've got this weird "sickness" of some kind, but I STILL haven't crashed. I don't feel exhausted in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, I feel wide awake in the morning when I get up, and I usually feel great and energetic throughout the day. There has been a time or two when I've actually started to feel a little tired and I've tried to lay down and nap, but only because I think I probably ought to, not because I really have to. Weird. It's a good thing because I've been able to get so much done, but it really doesn't seem like the best thing since I have this throat thing and cough. Shouldn't I be needing a little sleep right now?! I finally got curious today about the sore throat, simply because it's been around for so long. Ten days, I think. That's VERY unusual for me. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I have ALL of the symptoms of tonsillitis. Plus the cough. I don't like the idea of taking capsules and stuff like that, but I don't mind eating more of the things that are supposed to be good for you. Garlic is, of course, good for just about everything. It works as an antibiotic, boosts your immune system, and fights off infections, particularly of the ears, mouth, and throat. More importantly, I love garlic. :-) So James brought a couple of bulbs home tonight. To be honest, I didn't really know what to do with them--I've never messed with REAL garlic before, only the powder or the stuff that's already all minced up! I made spaghetti and added two cloves to the pot, then another clove (not cooked--just minced up as small as I could) on top of my serving. WOW. Garlic is powerful stuff, let me tell you! I think I prefer it in powder form. Ha! No, it wasn't that bad, just has a bit of a burn and bite to it when it hasn't been cooked. And it lingers. It's been hours now, but I can still smell and taste it. Nice...

My goal tonight is the same as it was last night. And the night before. And the night before that. Yep... ironing. ~sigh~ I usually do fine once I get started, but it's sooooo hard to start. We'll see how it goes tonight. I have been able to get lots of other things accomplished this week. I worked for a long time yesterday and today printing math pages and sorting and grouping them for the kids, then punching holes in them and stapling them and blah, blah, blah. When do we get to go back to computer school?! I've gotten another donation (from Sam's Club this time) for Camp, been working with the Colorado campground on our Ladies' Retreat contract for this coming October, got the medical release forms taken care of and sent off for this Camp, got some birthday invitations formatted and ready to print, and other things that I can't think of right now. It's been a good week. Got Sunday School to prepare for this Sunday, then I've got three days (almost) to get children's church together for Camp (just one night)--and I've got a thought for it... I hope I can expound upon it! Ha!

I warned you, I had nothing to say. But Camp is coming up and I was hoping to blog a time or two before then. I really should have just skipped it! Ha! Oh well. It's too late now. For you, too, if you've made it this far. ;-)

1 comment:

Vicki Smith said...

You've had a very productive week; especially for someone who's been ailing all week.