Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's been a good few days around here. Sunday was nice. I enjoyed teaching the kids' Sunday School class again, but I'm REALLY excited about being in the big people's class this coming week. Seems like ages since I've been able to be in there! I split kid duty with Sister Shanda, but it seems like anytime it's not my week to teach we're gone somewhere. Unfortunately that won't be the case this week. ~sniffle~sniffle~ But more about that later.

We had good services Sunday and good fellowship. After our morning service Brother Hugo (not a member, but a faithful attendee) offered to take everybody out for lunch. Wow! We felt terrible taking him up on it, but he was pretty insistent. Some folks had to go home instead, but the Clarksons and Sister Connie and our family had a great time visiting with him and one another over a great lunch. How kind of him! After service that night we stayed at the church and talked with Brother Chris and Sister Shanda for a lo-o-o-o-ong time. It was great! I so love fellowship and it seems like we do too little of it at our church sometimes. We've been staying and visiting with the other young family more lately and I've been loving it.

Yesterday was a regular old Monday around here: house cleaning, laundry and school. That's about it. James let the kids watch an episode of Gunsmoke before bed--made 'em very happy. It's probably been years since we've watched that show. I still have a whole slew of tapes that I filled up with Gunsmoke episodes when I was a teenager. Brings back memories of sitting down to lunch at 11:00 (when it came on TV Land) in Dad's Lay-z-Boy, then working the rest of the hour on my quilt... That took me 9 years to complete! (Maybe I would have finished sooner if I would have kept my dedicated Gunsmoke/quilt hour ever day! Ha!) Anyway, I still love Matt Dillon, highly dislike Miss Kitty, think Doc is a cute, gruff little old guy, and Festus surely must've been a Smith. I think it's cool that my kids enjoy a show that my Dad used to watch when he was little. :-)

This morning we got a call from Tammy saying that her sister and her husband (Scott & Angie) were planning on staying in Albuquerque tonight on their way to Colorado. I don't think so! Thanks to Tammy knowing me so well and taking the liberty to tell her sister that was nuts, we're expecting company any minute now! Wa-Hoo!!! So after devotions and school, my day was spent in house cleaning. I love having company because it motivates you to get the whole house nice and squeaky clean. I usually only accomplish one room at a time, so it's great when I actually have to do it ALL. I guess I don't have to do it all for company (they won't even see half of it, probably!), but I don't want to miss the opportunity since I have the motivation. :-)

That's the good news. The bad news... No, the sad news... No, that's not right either. The tragic and heartbreaking news is that I will be missing the Girl Party this year. ~SIGH~ I don't want to talk about it, really. I might cry. While the usual crowd of wives and children will be piling up for the weekend after sending the guys of to Men's Retreat... my kids and I will be all alone here at home. Oh, the agony!!! It's just SO WRONG. So, so wrong. ~sigh~ But what can you do? It's just the way life is sometimes I guess. Cruel. Just plain cruel. I do hope they have fun up there and I've told the kids we're going to have our own party here... but it's just not going to be the same! I don't know how this happened. It's just not supposed to happen like this! Okay, I'm done. No more pouting. At least publicly on the blog. I'll go sulk all alone somewhere...

That's it for tonight. I've successfully depressed myself right out of anything else to say. No, wait... there is one more thing I want to say...

Oh, woe is me!!!!!



Vicki Smith said...

I have one thing to say, too--"Cry me a river. You have 3 children at home with you." (oops, that was TWO things.)

EmileeAnn said...

Well, try to look at the bright side...at least you won't have to be subjected to "Nicholas Nickleby". :-)

cokelady said...

PROMISE me that you'll watch it, Emilee, and I'm SURE I'll feel better. :-)

EmileeAnn said...

HA! Not a chance!!! We're still hoping to have fun even if it will be lacking without your overly competitive game play!

cokelady said...

Yeah, y'all might as well not even waste your time with games. ;-)