We've been able to get some work done around the house here the past few days, so that's good. James has worked so hard in the garage and has all of the sheetrock done and was able to get it all taped and textured. I think it looks GREAT! So the next step is to get everything OUT of there, then spend who knows how long cleaning out all of the dirt and grime and cobwebs and dead bugs and cocoons (really) and all other manner of nastiness. Then I'm going to cover and tape off the doors and wood floor and tile and whatever else needs it, at which point we'll be ready to haul out Maurice! I've decided I'm going to use him instead of do everything with rollers and brushes. The prep work takes more time than the painting when we use Maurice, but it's sooooo worth it. So I'm going to prime everything, then spray everything (ceilings and all walls) Almond Tree (a creamy white color) as a base coat. But I'm not sure when we'll get to all of that. We're trying!
I was able to get the logs caulked this past weekend. I've been putting that off for months now. It was a one afternoon job and one that's really not that bad... just one that seems bad and is hard to get motivated about!
What else have we been up to... We watched a couple of new movies this week. Want some reviews? Fireproof was good, BUT... Isn't that always the way it is?! It started off so good but they ended up doing what we expected they'd do, but hoped they wouldn't do. It's all this "God wants you to make your marriage work" and "one man for one woman for life" stuff and it's sounding great. But inevitably they have to throw in that conversation about making it work with whoever you happen to be married to right now, regardless of whether you already have a living companion. ~sigh~ Dopes. James was also bothered by how much they used the wedding band throughout the movie, as if it was a major focal point. Other than those things it was great! Ha! You know, if it was a regular Hollywood production we'd be raving about how fantastic it was and the amazing values it was promoting, but when it's put out by Christians you find yourself being so much more critical!
The other thing we watched was Ben Stein's documentary Expelled: No Intellegence Allowed, about the incredible bias in our country toward evolution--and the unfair treatment and termination of employment of those who would suggest that perhaps "intellegent design" might rest at the origin of the universe. It was enlightening, to say the least, and it serves a good purpose that way. Otherwise I found it profoundly depressing! Ha! When I'm going to listen to Creation vs. Evolution stuff, I want to hear the truth of Creation and how the Word of God is infallible--and then the science that backs up what God already told us. This was more aimed toward revealing the trouble that has come to those who suggest evolution might have some holes in it. The most disturbing parts were when Ben Stein visited an institution in Germany where Hitler had handicapped people murdered and brains dissected and such monstrosities. It just sickens you--and more so when the tour guide sort of defended him. She didn't think he was insane--"He had his purposes for doing what he did." ?!?!? HOW WARPED. The other deeply disturbing thing was the interviews with Richard Dawkins. WHAT A SICK MAN. I found myself trembling with the fear of God as I listened to his prideful assertations that there is no God--and his vile and abusive description of "the God of the Old Testament." How can one be so brazen?! He's so fully convinced of himself and that anyone who believes in God is an imbecile, simple and trusting in a fairy tale. God have mercy on his soul!!! He will either have a broken and humble repentance some day (if he's not reprobate--which is a real possibility) or the lies from his own books will echo in his mind as he suffers throughout eternity. How tragic!!!
After all that, can I recommend it?! Enlightening, yes. Uplifting and encouraging, not so much! Take your pick! :-)
What else have we been up to... We did a little bit of school on Saturday to finish catching up from our Texas trip. Joe wasn't a happy camper 'bout that. Ha!
Church yesterday was... interesting! I must confess. I single-handedly destroyed the Sunday School class. Okay, well maybe it wasn't totally destroyed (I hope it wasn't!) and it wasn't exactly single-handed either. But I did get drug into being the main instrument of distraction! I hate that!!! ~sigh~ I apologized profusely to the teacher, but still--you feel rotten after something like that, you know?!
After church drove by a couple of buildings that might be possibilites for us to rent or purchase for a church building. One is definitely not a possibility any more and the other probably isn't either. We'll just keep looking and praying! We're back to meeting in a motel for now and that can only last so long. I know God has something in mind for us.
Today we did school, then I spent the entirety of the afternoon shampooing furniture. James rented a Rug Doctor this morning and we got good use out of it. We had bought a couple of green wingback chairs super cheap from a lady about a month ago and they were in desperate need of cleaning, as was our blue couch that has been in storage/construction areas for over a year now. So I worked real hard on them, then did the rest of the furniture, too. Everything looks GREAT! Even the couch and green chairs look fantastic. What a change! Feels so good to get that done--and it got some things out of the garage (they're now crammed in the house until we finish out there) so we have less to move out tomorrow. :-)
~sigh~ It's been one month today since Hershey died. The kids are over it, I think. I'd been doing lots better, but I had a really hard couple of days last week--cried sooooo hard on Saturday! It was weird. Probably because I was outside caulking. It's the first time I've spent any length of time outside in the past month. I hate hearing every dog on the mountain bark and howl at each other... except my dog! I kept "seeing" him run along the fence line in that dippy sweater, yapping away with all the other dogs. I finally went and sat by his grave and had a good cry. Strangely, it helped! It kind of put everything back into focus for me and I just kept praising God that it wasn't one of my kids that I lost. We have so many good memories of Hershey and I'm so thankful for them, and for the 6 years we had with him. So much to be thankful for!
That's about it, I think. Another long, rambling post! I don't have a wham-bang finish to it, so I'll slap some pictures up from the past few days. :-)
Here's a little bunny that Joe found. I got the picture before Joe tried to catch him. HA! That was great. ;-)
We watched Expelled and really enjoyed the informational part of it. It's kind of nice to know what the world is really thinking to know how to answer their questions or critisism. Anyway, you want some good watching that shows you just how amazing God really is? You've got to find the Chris Tomlin How Great is Our God tour video. Specifically the part where Louie Giglio talks. It's amazing to say the least. And there's another one we found at the Christian book store called The Priveleged Planet. Some of the same people from Expelled were interviewed in it. Very interesting and more edifying!
Johnny is going to start working on a creation seminar. He's hoping to invite the community out and do that this spring! Should be good!
That's a great bench Joe built, he should be proud! Not sure about selling it! Maybe you could stain it and put it in the living room! Ha!
Love ya!
Love the bench, and especially the boys' proud expressions. How fun!
We had the same thing to say about Fireproof. The How Great is our God video/dvd is really good. We watched it at the Va/Wv youth retreat in October during one of our activity times. Joe's bench is really neat. He probably wants to sell it because Katie sold her lady friend on Ebay.
Lib -- We'll have to look into the videos you mentioned. Of course, it's not just real easy to find Christian material around here. (I think our Church is about the only group of CHRISTIANS in all of Albuquerque!) Still, they sound good. We have a couple DVD's on Amazing Animals the Defy Evolution. VERY COOL. --It's great that you guys are thinking about doing a Creation seminar! I love stuff like that--and most folks have no idea how much it applies to their lives and acceptance of God's Word as a whole.
Mom & Charity -- Joe is still pretty proud of his bench, but hasn't mentioned trying to sell it since that first day. ~whew~ ;-)
Yea, I was really bummed about that part in the movie where the black guy (I dont remember his name) was explaining about his "first marriage" then went into how marriage is for life. So sad and contradictory. Otherwise it was good.
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