Monday, February 23, 2009

It... Is... Finished!!!

~WHEW!~ What a day!!!

It started out normal enough. Breakfast, devotions, clean house while the kids play, then school with Katie and Joe. I was itchin' to get to work in the garage, so I told them we were going to have speed school today. ;-) I sat between the two of them and kept the whip crackin' and by the time it was said and done they had completed a full days' worth of school in just under 2 hours. Wa-Hoo! We scarfed down some left-overs for lunch, then I headed out to the garage.

Today was the fun day. The day that I got to do all of the pretty painting! I've been so excited today. We no longer have a nasty, smell garage... it's starting to look like my house out there!!! How cool is that?! I faux painted three of the walls in the den and then painted one solid wall. Then I faux painted the top half of the boys' room (wallpaper will go on the bottom) and painted the bottom part of their closet solid. That will make sense someday. ;-) It only look one little paragraph to say it, but it took a-a-a-a-a-a-all day to do it! I worked from about 1:00 until 10:30 or so, then took a shower and tried to scrub all the paint off of me. I feel so much better, but I am EXHAUSTED! I have a cousin who could have done what I did today in about half the time and it would have looked better. I envy you, Stacey! ;-) Still, I'm really happy with how things are turning out and so excited to think of actually being able to move in out there sometime in the next... ooooh, I'm still scared to say. Dare I??? MONTH! I want to move in in the next MONTH! That's setting a broad enough goal, isn't it?! I sure hope so. I'm so excited!!!

The other exciting event of the day was the arrival of James'... thing. I really don't know what it is, though he's told me several times. It's a piece of equipment that will go in the den in his soda bar area and it's going to be soooooo cool! I'll just wait until it's all done (in the next MONTH?!) and take pictures. That would be far better than trying to explain it. Besides, surprises are always more fun. ;-)

That's it for tonight. I'm bushed. James just asked what the plan is for tomorrow. I told him I didn't want to discuss it. I just finished this day and would like very much to NOT think about whatever may need to be done tomorrow! We've got to make a trip to town one of these days for supplies and to check on a few possibilities, but I'm not sure tomorrow is the day! I also have some wallpapering to do... Hhmmm. The only things I'm planning for tomorrow at this point are devotions and school. After that we'll just have to see. Maybe a nap! :-)


ToughLady said...

Sis. Becki you are a superwoman just working and working, you are my hero, but when it is done it will be gorgeous i'm sure...just take some pictures ok..

Tammy Washburn said...

Chop, chop! Get to work. We wanna see those after pix. :)

I'm sorry Maurice died. I greatly dislike painting. I get more on me than on the wall!

Sister Charity said...

Hooray does that mean we get to see pictures of the finished product *gasp* within the next month?