Friday, February 27, 2009

Some People

...want things to happen.

Some people wish things would happen.

Some people make things happen.

I read that earlier today and it inspired me. Then I discovered that I am a fourth kind of person. The kind that starts making things happen, then runs out of steam and reverts back to being person 1 and person 2.

I am mostly done with the wallpaper in the boys' room, I just didn't have the oomph to stay out there and finish up tonight. (And we all know there's a big difference between being mostly done and all done.) ;-) A couple of hours tomorrow will bring a happy end to my wallpapering days... at least until time to do our bedroom. I was really excited about how the boys' room was turning out until James walked in and said, "It looks a little purple, hu?" ?!?!?!? Could there be anything more catastrophic than that?! A purple boys' room??? (Okay, pink would be more catastrophic...) It didn't look the least bit purple to me until he said so, but now I'm all panicky about it. We'd just better not mention it to Joe--he'd DIE! Ha! Surely it's not really purple... :-S

Okay, I was going to start writing about the crazy things my kids do... Well, they've been doing them. I remember laughing at them several times today, once especially hard... but I can't remember why!!! I can't even remember which kid had me cracking up. ~sigh~ I'm going to have to start keeping a blog journal in my pocket to write notes to myself.

Yesterday was a long and frustrating day. We cancelled school and headed to town to search for the perfect border to go with the boys wallpaper (purple! Ha!) and I had a couple in mind that I had found online but wanted to check the colors of in person. YEAH, RIGHT. I understand that wallpaper is "out" right now. It's no longer the cool or trendy thing (I don't mind being a dork--I still like it), but I really thought in a city of half a million people we'd have better luck. There was NOTHING out there. We found one western wallpaper book in the whole city. We're in New Mexico, for goodness' sake!!! The only thing we achieved was realizing that we're just going to have to find a border we like online and hope for the best. Didn't feel like a very fulfilling discovery.

We did stop by two thrift stores on our way home and found another gorgeous little dress for Katie as well as a new jumper, some new cowboy boots for Joe, a really fantastic long, loose, flowy denim skirt that flairs out at the bottom for me (yeah!), and two 7 slim jeans for Joe and a 6 slim in black (his preference) for Sam. I love it when we find like-new clothes for Goodwill prices! :-)

While I've been working on wallpaper, James has been working his magic out in the den. It's starting to get soooooo exciting out there!!! I'm so tempted to go take a picture of what he's built (I LOVE IT!!!), but I'm going to make myself hold off a little bit longer... ~sigh~ It's so hard! I wanna show! I wanna tell! Then I want you all to come visit so I can serve you a nice, fresh, cold Coke in our fantastical new den!!! :-)

That's it. Nothing new about the kids (I'll try to do better--for my own sake!), but at least it's not 8 pages long, right?!


Vicki Smith said...

Purple??? No way! He must have been wearing tinted glasses or something.
I'd LOVE to come sip a cold Coca Cola in your freshly finished den. When should I come? :-D

Marcia Brooks said...

Wow so much has happened since I've been gone from blogland. I love the den. Thank goodness you take pictures and post I would never be able to catch up with all the reading. :)