Saturday, November 22, 2008

Today Was the Day!!!

The grand and glorious day to rebuild Katie's room! The day to assemble all of the furniture and discover what it's proper placement would be. The day to unpack the mystery boxes labeled "Katie's Room" that held who knows what cute decor. (They've been packed for nearly a year now!) The day to get the kids moved back into that room and out of our room. The day to celebrate all we've accomplished and that I can now enter back into normal life! Wa-Hooooo!!!

You know, of course, that none of that actually happened. But the thought of it all was so grand!

Today... Let me explain. No, there is too much; let me sum up. ;-) Yesterday. Yesterday was the day to polyurethane the log furniture that I had stained earlier in the week: a queen bed, a dresser, a mirror, and two nightstands. I actually rescheduled the horse lesson so that I could continue working because I wanted to get it DONE! Then we up and decided to head to Albuquerque a few hours early for church so we'd be able to do some necessary running around. We needed to return some wallpaper and other things to Lowe's--$40 worth. That always feels good. :-) Then we went to several furniture stores in search of some "options." All we discovered is that there's nothing we really like and the prices are outrageous. So in the end it felt like I had quit my polyurethaning early totally in vain--we had found NOTHING. Well... I did pick up some cute "fall" blocks for $3 (80% off) at Hobby Lobby. Hardly worth it!

We had BTI service at Sister Grimes' house, then enjoyed some green chili stew, lemon pie, banana pie, and red jell-o that Pat had made for us. That woman! She's determined to make us all very, very fat.

We came home and I donned my work clothes yet again. I finally finished getting everything poly-ed and took a nice hot bath afterwards. I needed it!

This morning was the FUN day! Or at least that was the plan. While the kids were plugging away at school I went into "that stinkin' room" to begin the clean up. I collected all of the tools and stuff to go to the garage, then started peeling the plastic up off of the floor and scrubbing all of those tiles real good--getting ready for the great move-in.

We stopped for lunch and I remembered just in time that I had scheduled the horse lessons for today at 1:00! We jumped in the car and got there right on time. :-)

Came home and put the work clothes on AGAIN and finished clearing and scrubbing the floor. James had been staining and installing baseboard trim in the room and painting and installing the trim to frame the blue wall. After that we got to work on the doors and windows, working with a razor and a bottle of Goo-Gone to remove all of the tape and sticker residue that was EVERYWHERE. Ooooooh, that makes me mad. Why do people DO things like that?! We got them all taken care of and stained and they look so much better. :-)

We finished that, then James took Katie to town for a father/daughter dinner... and to pick up the blinds for her window! Meanwhile, the boys cleaned up their toys and clothes, then helped me assemble Katie's bed. I threw some Totino's in the oven and got to work dragging out the "Katie's Room" boxes. I stopped at watched a few Looney Toons with the boys while we ate, then let them finish the DVD while I went back to work. I went out to the shed with a flashlight (we need some electricity out there, Dustin!) and was able to find a few things for Katie's room, but not everything I was looking for. Most importantly, I've got all of this cute stuff... but no shelves to put it on! Most of the shelves were packed together and couldn't unearth that box. ~sigh~ So much for getting the room finished tonight!

In the meantime, James made it home and got to work hanging the new blinds. I decided to go do some cleaning since the whole house was TRASHED. I mean really, really trashed!!! My Dad would say it was ugly with a capital UG. I figured it was time to wade through our bedroom and start cleaning it out. I gathered all of the kid JUNK that will be returning to Katie's room (clothes, books, a few toys) and threw it out the bedroom door into the living room. The only things that remained in our room were their sleeping bags and pillows--for one last night. I got the floor vacuumed and everything taken care of except my desk. I'll have to take care of it later.

I put the kids to bed and got back to work on the house. Ah yes... James and I have been discussing our options for Kate's room. We really wanted to put a day bed in there along with the queen bed so there would be plenty of beds for company when they come, ideally with a trundle bed that could be pulled out from under the day bed. It would be PERFECT and the room is actually large enough to pull it off. But in our furniture shopping yesterday we discovered that day beds are hard to find nowadays and they are WAY too expensive. Even the metal frame for the trundle is nearly $200!!! Can you imagine?! There is NO WAY I'm paying $200 for a metal frame with springs and wheels! CRAZY. So I casually mentioned to James tonight another option I that had occurred to me. "We could consider using one of the boys' beds in here instead. We could paint it the same color blue as the wall and then scuff it up like we did the cabinet in the bathroom. It wouldn't be as pretty as a day bed, but it would fill the need and it would still but cute--and it would cost us nothing; we already have the bed and the paint." Does that sound like a suggestion to you? I meant it as just that. A suggestion. An idea. A possibility to be considered sometime in the future. Next thing I know I'm out in the garage painting a bed blue! WHY, you may ask? I can answer in one simple word.


;-) In the end, I guess I'm glad. It solved our bedding problem and cost us nothing--and it's one less thing I'll have to do in the coming days or weeks. And I invented a new sport: Speed Painting!!! I figured since we're planning on scratching some of the paint off anyway it wasn't necessary for things to be perfect, so I slopped that paint on just as fast as I could. I think I had two coats on the whole bed in just under two hours. Go me!

It was 10:30 when I walked back into my house and saw how disgusting it was. I knew I couldn't face waking up to it like that in the morning, so I got to work. Kitchen first. It took a while! (I'm telling you, the whole house was DEEP!) Then I went to Katie's room and cleaned out the closet so I could make room for all of the things that would need to go back in there. I moved Katie AND the boys into the "new" dresser in her room and filled up a trash bag with who-knows-what-all from the closet as I was cleaning. Came up with another bag of clothes to pass along to Emilee and Haley. Oh, I can't remember what all I did. I just know that I got Kate's room as clean as it can get until I find shelves so I can get all the cute stuff off the bed and floor and onto the walls where it belongs. I've got a clean kitchen to wake up to in the morning and I even managed to get most of the rest of the house clean, with only the necessary exceptions: some things to sort through and put away in the chuckwagon table tomorrow, a pile of laundry on the floor (I've GOT to do laundry!), and the now blue bed sitting in by the fire to dry. Otherwise, everything is GREAT! I was running 90 mph trying to get the house put back together and, for the most part, I managed it. I've made a terrible habit of being up way, way, way too late this week, but I can get the most accomplished at night. It's when there are no interruptions and it's when I usually get a big surge of gumption. Tomorrow I am taking a NAP. I think I've earned one. :-) I was still wired after I finished cleaning, so I figured I'd blog now--there will be no time tomorrow. But now that I've been sitting for a few minutes all of the adrenaline has worn off and I'm quite ready for bed. So I'm going there!

Pictures soon--I promise!


Vicki Smith said...

I stand astonished and amazed at what all you've accomplished!!! REALLY! You are amazing.
About the now-blue bed . . . I'm a little confused. It's free for now, but what about when the boys move into their own room? One of them will be without a bed, necessitating the purchase of another bed anyway. Right? Only now they won't have matching beds? What's the plan in there?

cokelady said...

I figured the bed thing would throw you for a loop. We've been planning on selling the boys' bunk beds anyway and getting a set that has a full size bed on bottom instead. The ones we had were really cheap, so we've been planning on investing in a new set anyway--trying to add one more bed space in their room, too. We're making as much space for COMPANY as we can, so I sure hope we get some! Ha! Bunk beds are much easier to find than day beds and we've seen some on clearance for not too much. And there are ALWAYS some on Craigslist, whereas we've had NO luck with day beds. So I think we've done a good thing. And I am NOT polyurethaning the blue bed. I AM DONE. We're going to scuff it up, then SPRAY some poly on it and call it good. :-) Just think--we SHOULD have it all done and assembled and in place in there by the end of the day!!! Of course, just because we SHOULD doesen't mean it will HAPPEN. You know how it goes around here!

Kasey said...

I didn't get to paint today, so my butternut and french roast awaits me in the garage, for a different painting day. I just wish I had chosen not to try to finish it before Thanksgiving. :)