Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm Here

...because anybody dumb enough to stay up working until 1:00 AM is obviously dumb enough to go ahead and stay up 'til 1:30 blogging.

It's been a good, productive day around here! Wa-Hoo! It feels good to have days like that, but more than anything it feels good to know that each step is one step closer to being DONE! James has promised me that after we finish up in Katie's room I can be all done with projects until after Christmas. (Except for if he "needs help" with something he's working on. I hate those pesty little disclaimers!!!)

Anyway, the day started out good this morning. I made waffles for breakfast and they were extra good because it's been so long since we've had them. :-) We had good devotions, then the kids had about 30 minutes to play before we started school. Somehow we managed to finish school up by about 1:00 this afternoon! Wa-Hoo!!! So I headed outside with the stain and a rag and got to work on James' office. It took quite a while longer than expected because of all the trim. It's rough cedar and just soaks the stain in instead of letting you spread it.

I enjoyed getting some fresh air, for a change. And it was great because I was able to be out with the kids and enjoy them playing. Katie and Joe started a new club today. (They create at least one new one each week.) They told me they were the Nerd Club. "How fitting," I said. I asked what they did in the Nerd Club and they said they sell Nerds so they'll have money to buy more Nerds. They were referring to the candy Nerds, of course, but I found it intensely amusing that they weren't the least bit ashamed of telling people they were the Nerd Club. Kate said they do a lot of other things, too, but she didn't have time to explain it all to me because they were off to find the perfect hiding place for their secret headquarters.

I finally finished up with the stain and went to grab the ole' caulking gun. I haven't used one of those in years. Made me feel like a teenager again, caulking Janice Yalch's big log house up the hill for $5 an hour or whatever she paid me! Good memories. :-) Anyway, the sun dropped behind the hill not too long after I got started and it got very, very cold on my wet and caulky hands. I was really, really wanting to get that nasty job behind me today, but I decided I'd wait and hope it's a little warmer tomorrow. :-(

We had another nutritious, homecooked meal by Mom tonight. Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Again. Seems like we don't get real meals very often anymore--and when we do most of them have been made my James! ~sigh~ I really want to be a Mom again. I want to just clean my little floors and cook my little meals and wash my little dishes and school my little kids... Maybe next week will be my week, hu?!

After dinner I headed back to Katie's room, which I've begun to refer to as "that stinkin' room," and touched up the paint around the edges of the ceiling and the old grubby ceiling fan. Then James was able to install the new fan! Wa-Hoo!!! I took this picture while it was going full blast, so it's not perfectly clear--but still, I was impressed with my camera!

And then it was time. Time for the last big project on the room itself. (Although there is still furniture to work on...) The wallpaper. I think it took me just shy of 6 hours, start to finish. I'm not real proud of that. It seems like it should take a lot less time than that. I mean, I only did the bottom three feet of the walls! But that's how these things go. Especially when you've "had it," as I have. Ah yes, I finally hit "the end" today. The I'm-DONE-with-all-these-crazy-projects-and-just-want-to-get-back-to-normal-life-again phase. I'm sure you hadn't detected that prior to this statement though. ;-) Besides that, I hurt. My knees are killing me and I hate this tile floor more than I ever have before--which was a lot. I now hate the knee pads, too. Wearing them is less painful than not wearing them, but the straps dig into the back of my knees and create soreness in one of the few areas of my anatomy that previously had none. My back hurts, my hips hurt (explain that one to me--and I'm only 31 so it can't be AGE yet! Ha!), my neck hurts from all the over-my-head work and my right arm, wrist and hand are screaming "STOP!!!! Don't make me pick up that paint brush! Or that roller! --And especially not that rag to rub stain on 87 cubic feet of raw wood!!!!!!"

Where was I? Australia. (Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. --Wait 'til I get going!!!) Anyway, the wallpapering was a success, even though it took longer than it should have and the first wall gave me fits with the "level" line. (I was about half a bubble off plumb by the time I was finished, Mom! Ha!) I told James early on that it was going to take a good, cold Vanilla Coke and some good, happy music to see me through. He was very obliging. :-)

Here's the finished product against the faux painted wall...

And against the blue wall. YES! I said BLUE!!! Wa-Hoo!!! Corduroy Black finally looks it's proper dark blue color now that I've got everything else in place. I'm sooooooo happy. I'm just not the kind of person to go for black walls, you know?! It was supposed to be blue (in spite of it's nerve-racking name) and now it finally is. It just needed the right encouragement, I guess. :-)

And here's where the two walls meet. Don't look too closely--we have a great plan for making that corner look fantastic with a nice, straight line separating the two colors instead of the squiggly one there now. We'll get to that real soon! And HONESTLY, the seams you see in the wallpaper are NOT that bad in person! Ha!

~whew~ That's it, folks. Another day or two and I'll be able to put the room back together and actually DECORATE it! Wa-Hoo!!! It will be so fun to dig into the "Kate's Bedroom" boxes and see what all we don't know we have anymore. :-)
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Vicki Smith said...

Hmmmmm, the checks in the wallpaper are a lot smaller than I remembered. I was thinking the gingham had 1" checks. Do you have some other wallpaper with larger checks? Whatever the case, it looks GREAT!!! How pretty! I'm not surprised you're "done." You've been a real trooper and hung in there for a long time. You deserve a little break. I hope James really will let you stop and be a mom and a homemaker through the holidays. Then you can hit it again after the 1st. It's going to be hard to decorate Katie's room, however, with an extra set of bunk beds in there. You won't really know where to hang things, you know? After a little breather you're going to be anxious to get the boys' room done so you can get all their stuff out of Katie's room. ;-)
I'm so relieved the corduroy black turned out blue. You had me real worried. I think it would have looked stunning to have left the whole wall corduroy black!
It's too late now, but with the rough wood it would have been quicker and easier to have applied the stain with a brush. You can file that away in your memory for next time. (Don't hit!!!)

Amy Anders said...

It looks AWESOME!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!

Amy Anders said...

It looks AWESOME!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!

Momma Tammi said...

ARGH! I had the entire comment typed up, hit enter, apparently at the same time Amy did because it said that I had a "conflicting edit" that either I double-clicked or someone else hit enter at the same time. I didn't double-click and when I got back over here to comment...there was Amy's comment. How often does that happen, two people fighting over who's going to get their comment on here first? ~grin~

So anyway...The walls looks beautiful and it is such an improvement over what was originally in there. I'll be praying for your aches and pains.

Jamey said...

Katie's room looks great! Especially since that awful pink and blue circle is GONE!!!! You are doing such a great job with all the rooms. Hopefully I will get to see all your hard work in person real soon!! Which means more GAMES and more LAUGHS!! YEAH!

Amy Anders said...

Sorry Tammi *blushing* I was wondering why mine was going so slow.

Sister Charity said...

Wow! It looks awesome! I'm glad your black wall didn't stay black!

~Amy said...

It does look really nice. I know I've not been commenting the past few days (been a little busy) but I have been keeping an eye on your progress, and I gotta say everything's turning out sooo nice. Way to go. You definitely should get to play Mom again after all that work. Hear that, James???? ;-)

Marcia Brooks said...

Excellent job. It looks great. I love the blue wall. It is going to be such a wonderful room for Katie.

Pam said...

I like it Becki you do such a great job.

EmileeAnn said...

The furniture and Katie's room all look so good! Glad things are coming together!