Monday, November 17, 2008

I Paint, Therefore I Am..

...sitting in the middle of this.

No, really--that's where I am. Not quite in the MIDDLE, I guess, but here nonetheless. Leaning against a wall, clicking away on the laptop, waiting for the primer to dry. You thought I was all done with the primer, didn't you? Yeah, so did I. I myself am often surprised at life's little quirks. ;-)

Just so you know, "Corduroy Black" really does look black when you put it on a wall. Imagine that!!! Are you all gasping in disbelief??? Well, it's true. I chose Corduroy Black for one wall in this room. I was scared to take a picture of it for fear it might look black in the picture, too. Upon seeing it on the wall, I decided that perhaps only HALF of the wall should be painted that color. (This is gettin' better all the time, hu?! HA!) So now I'm having to go back and prime over the crazy blue color that was on the half of the wall that I've decided will now NOT be Corduroy Black. Gotta cover over that crazy blue before I can do anything else.

Hang on a sec...

Okay, I'm back. Had to go put a second coat of primer on the half black wall. It will definitely need a third and then some touch up, just like all the other walls had to have. ~sigh~ Should've known. So I thought I'd blog while I'm waiting in between coats. Hhmmm. I just realized I COULD be painting the edges around the ceiling right now... Oh well. Next time I get up.

So today was a pretty good day around here, believe it or not. I got off to a late start, but it all turned out okay. I didn't finish up with the kids' school until sometime after 4:00, so that means I didn't pick up a paint roller until about 5:00. I was able to get the ceiling all painted, then the paint on three of the walls. Then I started on the Corduroy Black wall, but I got scared and chickened out--that's why I'm priming the bottom half now. (I had left it that crazy blue color on that one wall because I thought it would be easier to cover blue with Corduroy Black than to cover white primer with Corduroy Black.) If I ever get that crazy blue primed over--and trim around the ceiling--I'm done for the day. And all I was planning on accomplishing today was the ceiling! Wa-Hoo! So even with the emergency "Yikes!!! I have a BLACK wall!!! What have I done?!?!?" panic, I'm still getting more done than I thought I was going to. And, crazy as it sounds, I think I'm going to LOVE it. But you can't possibly see the glory of it until everything is finished and perhaps even decorated. So until then I'll just have to leave you all thinking I'm a total ninny, painting over crazy pink and blue walls... with BLACK!

So the only pictures I have for you are these.

Don't you wish you could relax like that?! I do! It looks mighty good right about now, I tell ya'! Well, I'm off to trim the ceiling, then slop a third coat of paint on the crazy blue/crazy black wall. :-)
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Vicki Smith said...

Why does it look black in there when it's just-right-blue in the bathroom? I don't get it. Did you let it dry all the way and it looked black? Weird.

I've joined your remodel mania and now I'm living in a dust laden construction zone. Who knows how long it will be before our bathroom remodel is finished. We did yours in a week--I fear this one will take months. Maybe James needs to come oversee this project. He has a way of making sure things get done! Your dad doesn't stand around saying things like, "Are you going to do this or that? It doesn't matter...whatever you want to do." HA! He just got out the saws-all and started chopping up the tub and surround and we hauled it downstairs piece by piece. There's no turning back now.

Tammy Washburn said...

When I saw your title on your other blog "I'm Moving!" I thought the person's prediction came true and God had moved you to another town/church BEFORE you got finished with your house!!

Sister Charity said...

Uh-oh black walls?That's why I'll probably never start a remodeling project. I'd mess something up and then not have a clue as to how to fix it...

Pam said...

Wow your really coming along on your house. I was wondering if you could tell me how you did your blog list where it tells when everyone blogs, I can't figure it out.

Tammy Washburn said...

Definitely want to see whatcha doing with black paint! I can't bring myself to go beyond beige, pale yellow or mossy green!

Momma Tammi said...

Black and blue that is a picture! ~smile~ Love the pics of Hershey...I thought Sam and Bowser slept in odd positions...I think Hershey has them beat.