Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter, Moving, & a Very Sick Dog

I'm thankful that we'll be going to church in a few hours and will be celebrating the Resurrection and thanking Jesus anew for the sacrifice He made for us. That's what Easter is all about.

For us, the extra festivities will probably have to wait. I don't have a functioning stove yet so I can't cook Easter dinner (some day I'll post The Stove Story, but I'm waiting to see how it ends before I devote that much time to it--ha!), I'm not sure my kids have clothes ironed and ready to wear (have no idea what anybody will be wearing--my goal is to just find dress clothes of any kind that are already ironed, which would be a miracle), and we never colored any eggs. Literally didn't have the time... and don't have a stove to boil them on anyway. ;-)

The good news is: My house is now covered with furniture and piles of boxes. It's a WRECK, but it's a very exciting wreck because it means that we are finally getting MOVED IN on the first floor. Wa-Hoo!!! I'm especially excited about busting in to all of the boxes that say "Kitchen." Though I must admit I'm wondering where I'm going to PUT all that stuff--there are a TON of boxes labeled for that room. It will be sooooooo exciting to open them!

Oh, other super-duper exciting thing: I HAVE MY PIANO. ~Aaaaahhhhh~ It feels sooooo good to have my piano again! We've been keeping it at the church (scared to put it in a storage unit or the garage) all this time, so now--after over a year without it--it sits in my living room again. I can play it any time I want. I may actually learn how to play again! :-) Soooooo thankful that it's here and for those who had a hand in getting it to its current resting place--along with all of the boxes and furniture all over my house. GOD BLESS THEM. :-)

The bad news is: We have a very, very sick dog. Charlie has been sick all week, but has gotten progressively worse the past three days. He hasn't eaten a single bite of anything and he is sooooo miserable with constant evidence of sickness in every possible way. (I'll spare you the gory details. You're welcome.) I was up with him most of the night last night and then up for good by 5:00am and haven't had high hopes of getting much more rest tonight tonight (Saturday night/Sunday morning), judging by how miserable and restless he is. I am SO thankful he and I both got a little over two hours of sleep before he woke me up a little while ago. I desperately needed it, so I KNOW he needed it. And God blessed me to actually feel quite rested by it. I'm hoping Charlie will be able to settle down and go back to sleep for another few hours, or maybe even all night? He's extremely sick. Way too sick. He crawled off into the woods several times today to go hide, which scares me to death. It's a miracle we even found him the last time. We're doing our very best to take care of him and have been praying (and as of today, praying with tears!) a whole lot. Joe told me before bed that he felt like Charlie is going to be okay--that he had prayed and really felt comfort about it. I'm leaning heavily on those prayers :-)--and now praying fervently that God will answer my son's prayers and increase his faith in God and in the power of prayer! Some times I feel like he'll pull through and everything will be fine, and other times I get really, really worried that he won't. He's just so, so bad. ~sigh~ For the most part, I feel very hopeful and even expectant that he'll get better, but I think it will be the grace of God alone if he does. I always have such mixed up feelings about praying for a dog... SO THANKFUL that God cares for our every need and that He cares about the things that are important to us... and yet always a little ashamed at how fervently I can find myself praying over a dog when I somehow struggle to really bear the burden in prayer for souls that I should! But then, I was reminded yesterday at how easily I feel guilt over things. ;-)

Anyway, there are grand and glorious things going on here and lots to update, but the joy of all of that has definitely been skewed by Charlie being in such horrible shape. In the end, we'll all be okay one way or another and be able to thank God for His goodness and His mercy and His omnipotence. Until then... if you're a dog person at all... or even if you're not, but you love me or my kids (ha!), please whisper a prayer for Charlie. Even if you feel silly doing it. It won't hurt you. ;-)


Tammy Washburn said...

I, yes, even I have prayed for a sick dog. :-) My sisters dog got hit by a bus one time and went to the woods to die and we went out an prayed over him and God healed him. He grunted every time he sat down for the rest of his life, but he didn't die.

Yes, I will pray for your dog especially for Katie, Joe and Sam's sake.

K.Keel said...

I will definitely say a prayer for little charlie! :( poor thing.

EmileeAnn said...

Oh man...I'm not a "dog" person naturally but having had a dog just join our family I can definitely feel for you. I'll pray for Charlie (and you guys).

Vicki Smith said...

So very, very sorry about Charlie. I'm praying for all of you guys. My heart breaks for you.

Char said...

You don't know me, but I read your blog frequently. My prayers are with Charlie and your family. We lost our black lab about a year ago. Animals are truly a member of the family. I know how it hurts when they are suffering. My payers are with you.

Char Beckman

cokelady said...

Sister Tammy -- You were amazingly sympathetic today, for your personality type. Ha! We used the prayer cloth as soon as we got home. :-) Apparently wasn't God's will.

Kimmi, thank you for the prayers!

You, too, Em. Our kids are all so sad that Grover and Charlie won't get to be friends. :-(

Mom, thanks for being there for us through all of this. You guys are the best. I lean heavily on you during stuff like this! Thanks so much for everything.

Char, I appreciate your prayers as well. It's easy to sympathize with someone's loss of a pet when you've been through it yourself. Thanks for the prayers.