Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Okay, Okay, Okay

Some people are just so gripey. I'll BLOG, already. ;-)

I have been crunching numbers all day (not my thing) and I feel like my brain is about to explode, so be forewarned that whatever I may say might not make much sense. Today I was talking to Emilee on the phone and started to say goodbye to her when she informed me that SHE had called ME and had one more question. Who knew?! I really thought I had called her. After all, she was on my mile long "to call" list. Twice, in fact. ~sigh~ I'm falling apart!

Sometime recently (no idea when--this whole week is one big blurry day to me!) Katie and I went into town to price all of the Camp food at Sam's Club. Cathy, World's Most Amazing Camp Cook, had put together a perfectly organized and detailed list, so that made things pretty fast and easy. I think I figured out that by comparing the online prices with the actual in-store prices we will save about $50. :-) Makes me happy. We're trying to really pinch our pennies this year. Not because it's dreadfully important that we do (God really, really blessed last year and our Camp fund is doing GREAT at the moment, allowing us to lower tuitions and such to be a blessing to our people), but because as Coordinator I just can't bear the thought of losing money on Camp, you know?! And as this is their first year, our new Camp Directors (the Hays) really aren't too wild about it either! Ha!

Anyway, after we finished at Sam's I took Katie out for that special Mother/Daughter lunch we've been wanting to have for ages now. Since we'd waited so long and don't know when our next chance will be we went to the Olive Garden. :-) We split the fettucini alfredo and were both so stuffed.

Uummm... the only other thing that really comes to mind is what my son did last night. I wondered if it would be right to blog such a thing, just considering his feelings in the future about me sharing it... but then I remembered Emilee and her "human question mark" and decided it must be okay. HA! Last night I decided that I would let the kids stay up late so I could finish reading The Indian in the Cupboard to them, mostly because I know I won't have any time for such things as we prepare for Camp and Convention and I wanted to get it over with! Sam fell asleep sometime around 9:00 and I finished up the book just after 10:00. Just before we finished, Sam got up and stumbled out of the room. I remember assuming that he was either going to the bathroom or to get a drink of water. A few moments later I heard James say, "SAM!!! What are you doing???" followed immediately by, "BEC!!! Get in here!!!" ~sigh~ I still can't believe this--none of my kids have EVER done anything like this before--but Sam had gotten up and walked past the bathroom, through the kitchen, into the living room, over to the front of the couch, and was... relieving himself! All over my couch!!! James and I just stood there gaping at him, not knowing what to say or do. We'd never seen anything like this before, though I recall hearing of other kids who have done such things while "sleep walking." Sam's eyes were wide open and bloodshot and he just kept blinking and he had a bit of a grimace on his face and you could tell he was just totally out of it. I scooped him up and ran him to the bathroom and instructed him where he was to finish the job, then ran back to gather supplies to clean up the mess. I went back in a minute to check on Sam and the kid had taken his shirt off and was standing there starting to cry--probably because he was cold. ??? It was the weirdest thing and I still can't believe it happened. I asked him about it this morning and he didn't remember ANYTHING. He just kept saying, "I'm so sorry, Mom--I didn't know. I didn't know I did that--I'm sorry, Mom." He's 5 years old and this is the very first experience of this nature that we have ever encountered. I talked with him tonight and told him that he is not allowed to start doing strange and freaky things like that at this point in his life; he's just going to have to truly WAKE UP if he needs to go to the bathroom at night! (By the way, I worked for a long, long, long time on it and the couch seems to have made out just fine. I can't see or smell anything, so I'm greatly relieved. Still, why couldn't he have picked the 20 year old couch in the den instead of the newer one?! Dopey kid. Ha!)

I've spent my day today working on campground stuff again. I spoke with a lady at the Assembly of God camp in Ruidoso and she was sooooo nice. They used to own the campground that we still rent (except it was in great condition when they owned it--no mushrooms growing in the bathrooms or nuthin'! HA!) and they now have a new facility. She got all of our information, including my goals for keeping our tuitions miraculously low and she's going to spend some time working on it and see if they can possibly give us a rate that we can afford. Wow! I pray that God will really work miracles for us and allow us to find a nice place to have Camp that we can actually afford. Or if, for some reason, it's His will for us to continue on as we have been that's okay with me, too. He knows best. And we do have so many laugh inducing memories thanks to Mountainair. :-)

Tonight we grabbed a pizza and went up into the National Forest for dinner. The kids LOVE going up there and romping all over the mountains. It was such a nice, relaxing evening (we really needed it!) and we went on a nice, relaxing walk. ~Aaaaaah~ We really should do it more often.

And before I go... I thought I'd post a couple of pictures of the care package we sent to our BTI girls. It's been a long-running tradition that whoever goes to BTI from our Region receives a package from those left behind. (Although I was informed recently by some bitter soul that HE went to BTI two or three years ago and "didn't get nuthin'!!!" HA!) Just fun and crazy stuff to give them a few laughs, make BTI even more fun, make them glad to be from such a fun and thoughtful region, and make everybody else at BTI wish they were from here, too. HA! It's not as fun as it used to be because there aren't a crowd of us all together to work on a package at this point. Still, I thought Tammy and Cathy and some of the others who remember getting the BTI Box and then putting together the BTI Box for others would enjoy seeing some of what they got this year.

These were obviously the favorites. HA!

There were three other things that we sent as well and I was so tempted to blog them, as they are some of my very favorites... But I fear I would get myself in trouble again. I know there are people who come to my blog on occasion who don't really KNOW me and value my sense of humor (ha!) and I'm always afraid of somebody taking things the wrong way or being offended, you know? Not that what we sent was in any way offensive (!), but sometimes it's just better to be safe than sorry when you're dealing with people who might misunderstand you. I've thought about going to a private blog for that very reason (contemplated it off and on for months), but I hate the idea of doing that, too! Anyway, just know there were a few other items that were intended to make the girls smile. :-)

And that's about it from here. ~whew~ A great big, long blog with pictures. That oughtta last me a while. ;-) I'll get back to my old BTI posts one of these days. Can't stop in the middle, you know. :-)


Vicki Smith said...

All right! Good blog. You're off the hook for another day, then back to blogging again. ;-) I enjoyed reading what all you've been up to and seeing the pictures of the kids in the mountains, as well as the care package contents. I had to laugh out loud when I read you were "greatly RELIEVED" to get the couch cleaned up from Sam's "relief." HA! Funny. At least your dad used a trash can in the kitchen when he was that age. You're going to have to tell Sue about this incident. She'll get a kick out of it. I remember Grandmother telling about your Dad's incident many times. Poor Sam inherited it. :-)

Tammy Washburn said...

My sister was sick with a fever about that same age and used the toy box. I wasn't happy about my toys.

Cute care packages!

Montgomery's said...

I'm sure all those at BTI enjoyed the care package. What fun. And I'm so sorry to hear of Sam's accident. I think I would be standing, being amazed also at what was being done. Glad your couch smells and looks good again. ;)

Erika J. said...

Sam's 'incident' sounds almost as bad as when my youngest (she'll be 2 in September) pooped in her bath water causing her to not want to take another bath again for weeks. She was horrified and it was HER poop. HA!

(hope that wasn't too graphic! we'll all parents here, right?)

The best part... I let my husband clean up the mess! HAHA!

Erika J. said...


Momma Tammi said...

Poor Sam! From one sleep walker to another...I feel his pain of not remembering what was done.

Sister Karen and I never got a BTI box...hmmm... Great fun for those who received them though.

Unknown said...

I must say that I was in BTI with your "bitter soul" two years ago and I sure don't remember him receiving a care package. But who feels sorry for him right! But I am sure his companion from the region Bro. Keven would have liked one.

On the Sam front, at least he was just relieving himself. I once tried to climb out a second floor window when we were visiting some family. I am sure he will look back on it in the years to come and laugh.

Dave and Melissa said...

Too funny. :)

Dave and Melissa said...

By the way....... Who's the guy on the stick?

cokelady said...

I'm glad so many people seemed to be familiar with experiences such as Sam's the other night. And I did think catch the "I'm relieved" statement I made concerning Sam relieving himself on the couch, Mom. I was just too tired to be able to think of any other way to word it so I just left it!

Sister Tammi, the reason you never got a BTI package is probably because Karen is the one who STARTED the whole thing. So if she was with you at BTI it means that she wasn't at home sending a box to the BTI-ers. :-) It wasn't until AFTER her BTI years that Tammy Lewis and some of the others decided to try to carry on the tradition.

As for the Bitter Soul not receiving a package, you can only imagine why. Ha! I've never actually headed up the whole BTI Box thing until this year--I didn't hear anybody else talking about doing it this time, so I took it upon myself. I'm sure I would have thoroughly enjoyed putting together a very special box for Brother Keven and the Bitter Soul. If they ever go to BTI again I'll be sure to come up with one for them. ;-) Unless, of course, I'm there too... Ha!

Melissa, the guy on the stick (ha! --Love that!) is Jimmy Williams. Not the cute, sweet one you know. The other one. (The nice one's son...Kaylan and Steele's Dad.) His Dad is known as Big Jimmy; we call this one Bad Jimmy. ;-) You remember him, I'm sure, it's just a strange picture of him!