Monday, March 23, 2009

A Quick and Jumbled Run-Down

Let's see... Sam was sick all night one night, then Joe was sick all day the next day. They both took the following night and day off from being sick, then Sam started throwing up again the morning after that. I had noticed that I hadn't seen or heard anything from Joe in 20 minutes or more so I went looking for him. I found him huddled up in the corner of a closet with no books, no toys, nuthin'. I asked what he was doing. "Oh, just sittin' here... It's a good place to not catch Sam's germs!" Ha! He figured he was next since that's how it had happened two days earlier. I made him come out of the closet and--you guessed it--within a few hours HE was sick again! Crazy! They were both fine the next day, then the day after that it was Katie's turn. She's been off and on since Saturday night, but hasn't tossed her cookies since early this morning. I hope that means it's all over with. This has been the weirdest thing! I'm very thankful that James and I have managed to avoid whatever it is that's been plaguing our household.

In between all of that excitement, big things are happening at our house! The carpet guy came on Thursday and laid half of the carpet (our room and Katie's closet), then came back on Saturday to do the den and boys' room. So now it is officially NOT a garage anymore! Wa-Hoo!!! James smashed two fingers pretty good while installing the baseboard trim and finally decided to figure out how to use that new nail gun of his. Talk about excited. "Who-o-o-o-o-oah!!! Bec, you gotta come see this! This is soooooooooo cool! I can't believe I haven't been using this thing all along!!!" He even went back and RE-nailed all of the trim he'd already nailed with the hammer. The nail gun is to him what the paint sprayer was to me. :-) Anyway, we finished up the trim, then hauled the couch and two chairs into the den and put them in place. That's all that's in there so far, but I already LOVE it! Mostly because it's such a nice, comfortable room with comfortable furniture and nice, cooshy, comfortable CARPET!!! Have I ever mentioned how much I hate tile? ;-) I love our new room. We drug a mattress into the boys' room and laid it on the floor--that's where they've been sleeping since Saturday. Their bunk bed will be here in about two weeks.

We had good services yesterday. James preached a really good message in the morning and my VLB service seemed to go well last night, too. It had occurred to me once we "finished" the den that in the end... it's just a house. Just walls, just carpet, just furniture. I'm so thankful for all of God's blessings and I don't ever want to take them for granted, but I don't ever want to set my heart on these THINGS, you know? So I did a lesson on "abundance." Everybody has an abundance of something in their life whether money or possessions or friends or worries or work or whatever--anything you have an oversufficient supply of is an abundance. Abundance is a good word... unless it's referring to an abundance of worldly things! Material things don't matter--I want to have an abundance of spiritual riches and lay up my treasures in heaven. If my newly completed house burned down tonight, it's just a house. We would recover and go on. I hope it doesn't (!), but in the end it's not really what's important anyway. I want to ever be thankful... but not materialistic!

ANYWAY... That's about it from here. I spent most of the day today cleaning up Katie's room (under the bed, dusting, sorting the dresser, getting the rest of the boys' stuff out, cleaning the floor, etc.) and it's now the only room in the house that's looking GREAT. Our room is coming along. We've got a HUGE and very cool log bed in there (that one James nabbed super cheap from Craigslist) and I have my very own little corner of the room with my very own chair and my very own little table/dresser and my very own lamp to read by. It's my spot. The kids are not NOT ALLOWED in our room and it's the place I can go to and just be alone when I need to. It's so grand!!!

Tomorrow is more of the same, except I'm going to try to throw school into the mix. We skipped it today. I HAD to get the house put back together a little bit before we start bringing boxes in from the office and unpacking them and trying to decide where everything goes. Anyway, we'll get as far as we can this week before we leave for Colorado Convention on Friday, then probably finish up next week. Busy, busy! But it's fun busy and I do feel so very, very blessed. Someday when things are starting to come together I'll post pictures. Not that anybody ever comes to the blogs anymore, you bunch of Facebook traitors!!! That's what I assume has happened to Blogville. Everybody seems to have forsaken it for Facebook and things are really not hoppin' here like they used to. There are some of us who can't do the Facebook thing and would be thrilled to know there's somebody still interested in the BLOGS, you know?! Bunch of ninnies. ;-) And, of course, I'm not speaking to the ones who have been faithful to the blogs... just the deserters. And I must confess, I haven't been just real faithful to blog myself--much less comment anywhere else. Two weeks! Just give me two more weeks to get my life under control and I'll be better! I think. ;-)

Enough rambling. Got to get the kids to bed and work on the Regional Paper. Ah, yes. That's the other thing I'm up to--it's that time again. Lots to do. Gotta run. Just wanted to touch base. Later!


Momma Tammi said...

Yeah, just about the time you get your life under control, mine will be a shambles! Oh well!

Glad that kids are starting to feel better. How awful to be so sick and even worse, having to hide out in the closet so you can possibly avoid the "sick" germs (poor Joe).

Looking forward to seeing pictures of your new comfy spaces.

EmileeAnn said...

Ah, man...I've been waiting all weekend for pictures. And now...nothing! What a gyp! :-)

Joe cracks me up...hiding in the closet. What a mess! I hate those sicknesses that pass from one kid to the next and then back again. Makes for a very long few days. Glad they're all on the mend.

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Tammy Washburn said...

I bet next time..Joe will stay hidden until his brother gets better. Ha!

I'm not hip enough for Myspace. (in fact my hip goes "out" every other week anyway. ;) Blogging is like traveling in the slow lane on a Sunday drive.

Vicki Smith said...

I'm a blog person, all the way. So, it looks like you've got a FEW faithful blog followers, anyway.
So glad everybody's feeling better and you're getting your house put back in order. It's going to be so great! I'm anxious to see it.

Jared Nolen said...

Bec, i hate facebook with a passion. i have a page.. but just can't get into it.. i havent blogged in AGES but i am committed to lurking here lol

Vicki Smith said...

Hey, Jared, out of curiosity...what is it you don't like about Facebook? I've refused to get a page so I can't say firsthand; I've just got a "feeling" about it. So I'm curious why you don't like it.

Jared Nolen said...

Well , i've had a myspace for 3 yrs and soo i'm just really use to how to use it.I don't like some of the distasteful music and other things that come along with it.. but its been a great way to keep in contact with family and old camp friends that i had lost contact with over the years.the world always finds ways to ruin good things. anyways.. i find facebook difficult to use IMO. Weird set up and frustrating LOL .
I need to return to blogsville.. and start blogging again..

Sister Charity said...

I have a Facebook, (My Mom actually made me get one how's that for funny) a Myspace, and a Blog. I like my blog the best. Doesn't mean I post a lot. I really don't have much to post about. I got the Facebook and Myspace because a lot of my family and friends have one.