Thursday, March 19, 2009


That's what time it is. I just finished up with the day's manditory work load, crawled into my flannel Coca-Cola nightgown, and sat down. I am soooooo tired. The lack of sleep from last night didn't help matters. Sam was throwing up every hour or hour and a half between 11:00 last night and 7:00 this morning. The first three times soiled his pj's and bedding, so that meant three loads of laundry in the middle of the night besides getting him settled down and back in bed. When he lost his lunch for the last time (at about 7:00 this morning) Joe lost his for the first time. Oh, brother! Sam's been fine throughout the day and certainly hasn't acted sick. Joe, on the other hand, had to run to the bathroom numerous times this morning. He's been able to keep down some broth and Gatorade and got a good nap this afternoon, so I'm really hoping he'll be fine tomorrow. His neck is still stiff and achy. I did have him put a bag of frozen peas on his neck for a little while tonight. (Thanks for the advice!) No word yet on whether it helped or not. Joe isn't typically a fan of ANY method of recovery!

So, really... I'd like to know what's going on here. My brother has been enduring excruciating pain with a toothache for a week or two now. My boys come down sick last night and today. Then I hear from Mom that Dad's got a bum leg--in terrible pain and unable to walk at all there for a little while. I'm thankful that, at last report, Jon is doing some better though he would surely appreciate all the prayers he can get for complete recovery. Sam seems perfectly well and Joe is doing better, too. The Lord really touched Dad and relieved much of the pain tonight and he's able to get around okay on crutches. Still, he needs total healing. It just seems so strange for it all to happen at once! So please pray for my family. We apparently really need it right now!

In other news...

How dumb does a person have to be to spend 10 hours or so wallpapering a closet? However dumb it is, that's me. I have, however, benefitted from the experience in that I have resolved to pitch a royal fit the next time James sees wallpaper on sale and suggests buying some--I don't care HOW cheap it is. This closet cost us practically nothing, but who wants to spend all day wrestling with wallpaper for a closet??? Normal people don't wallpaper closets. I often wish I was one of them. A normal person, that is. Probably by next week I'll be really glad I'm not a normal person--when I walk into Katie's darling closet. But it'll be at least a week until then. For now I'm really wishing I was just normal. Paint would have been so much faster. Oh well, at least it's done. I intended to take a picture, but I was already sitting down when I realized it and I'm just not getting up to do it right now. Maybe in the morning.

James got lots done today, too, but don't ask me what. I was in the closet, so I don't really know. We got the border up in our bedroom, James hung the new ceiling fan (it doesn't even go "clack-clack-clack-clack-clack-clack-whi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ir-clack-clack-thump-whi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ir" like the old one did!) and the other light... Uummm... he got the shelves up in the boys' closet and the second coat of poly on his soda bar... Hhmmm. I don't know, there's been a whole lot of accomplishment going on around here. Frankly, I'm gettin' good and tired of it! I want to NOT accomplish anything for a little while! But we've been under pressure, good, necessary pressure to get a long list of things completed because...

The carpet guys will be here in the morning!!! Wa-Hoo!!! I'm so excited! I want them here, I want them gone, and I want to MOVE IN to my new house! :-)

Well, I'm winding down, so I think I'm going to hit the hay. 'Nuther big day tomorrow! Hopefully it will be a fun, happy day. It's got to improve a whole lot once we can start clearing the STUFF out of the living room. That will make me oh, so happy. The mess is really starting to get to me. If I hadn't been locked in a closet all day I probably would have snapped because of it. I think the carpet is coming just in time! I'M SO THANKFUL.

Pictures soon. G'night!


Gram (Connie M) said...

Becki So sorry to hear about your familys sicknesses We will definitely be praying for all of you. Love to see all your remodeling finishes.

Vicki Smith said...

You'll be SO GLAD you're not "normal" when it's all done and you're all moved back in. I hope you have a GREAT day and the carpet layers don't damage your fresh wallpaper. I look forward to seeing pictures of it all. HOW EXCITING!!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for everybody in the Horne house! :o) BTW - I have noticed that ever since Brother Smith preached the message about trusting the Lord at our district convention, it seems that all kinds of sickness has been around everywhere. And I mean sicknesses that last for days on end and bring serious suffering. But our God is faithful! :o)

Sister Charity said...

We'll be praying for everyone. As far as being shut in the closet all day at least it wasn't the boys closet. Then you might think you were in jail... I've been shut up in mine and Bethany's closet the past two days and I wasn't doing anything so interesting as remodeling. I was doing plain ole everyday spring cleaning.

Marcia Brooks said...

We will be praying too. So sorry to hear about the sickness. Hopefully since I'm a couple of days late in reading your post I pray God has healed or will continue to heal everyone completely.