Three days pass so quickly when you're trying to blog more faithfully. Seems like you just type something up and then *wham-o* it's been three or four days.
Gone with the three days is the memory of them. Uummm... I really can't think of anything. I know we missed library day yesterday for some reason. Oh yeah--James took the van back to the dealership. It's driving fine, but makes a funny noise every so often and he wanted them to look at it while they'll still do that sort of thing for free. ;-) So now we've got another loaner vehicle. A Dodge Caliber or something like that. I'd never heard of them before, but it's actually kind of fun to be in a car (a cross-over, technically) for a change. It would never work for our big trips, but it's nice for just dinking around in.
I talked to Brother Dustin for a while last night about Family Camp and tuitions and t-shirts and all that sort of thing. It's sort of exciting to get into the planning stage again. :-) This morning I made a few phone calls to see how much we'd have to pay to have the shirts printed locally instead of through the Internet site we've been using. Not sure what we'll end up doing, but it's great to have some options.
The kids are doing well with the new school regimen. Several pages of math (don't tell Joe, but it's probably 500+ problems each day) and then some reading and writing assignments. Katie is doing GREAT with her multiplication all of a sudden and caught on to multiplying double and triple digits without a hitch. She's now feeling much more confident about her upcoming division work. Joe wrote a good little report on a favorite bug book of his yesterday. As usual, he's less than thrilled with school--but his little brother is LOVING it now! Just look! Ha!
Along with the math pages he's doing 10 or more pages in his school book each day and I can tell he's really improving. I had him sit down and read one of the little Hooked on Phonics books to me yesterday and he did so much better than ever before! Still taking his time sounding out each and every word, but it's beginning to happen a little bit easier for him now. I'm so proud of him. :-)
Uummm... today. We had a nice lunch of left-overs (I had made a delicious but way-too-hot enchilda casserole last night and we still had a few of James' tamales to finish off), then headed to the library since we missed it yesterday. We held on to some important books from last week though because I haven't had a chance to read through them all. I had finished the Sherman's Lagoon book, but Joe had checked out a few Calvin & Hobbes books I haven't had a chance to get to yet. ;-) Katie found some new books in the Bunnicula series (it's not like it sounds--just for clarification after that Sunday School lesson about vampires! Ha!) and breezed through both of them tonight. I'm fairly certain she'll be getting the other four books in the series next week!
After the library we headed into town for some thrify shopping. Didn't turn out too well, but I tried! I got a nice pair of jeans for Joe to grow into, but nothing that will really work for right now. He's either getting tall or his clothes are shrinking because all of his pant legs and sleeves are too short. Guess he'll just have to look like a nerd for a while longer until we find some good deals.
James ran in to Albertson's and bought two more buckets of Blue Bell (he's going nuts on me! He tells me that if I keep eating ice cream like a Smith I'm going to start to look like a Wilda (HA!)--but then he keeps buying more Blue Bell!) and seven, yes SEVEN, boxes of Cap'n Crunch. Could you die?! We might, if we keep living off of Blue Bell and Cap'n Crunch! HA! They were on sale for $1.50 per box, but only if you buy seven boxes. And James is all about stocking up on things to have at a later date. I am too, but I did tell him tonight that he's going to have to stop or else he's going to have to build me an extra pantry--I'm outta room in there!
Ho-hum. Now the day has come to a close and the kids are all snoozing away. Just hung up from a follow-up phone call with Brother Dustin about the Camp shirts. Sometimes he is no help at all, I tell you! ;-) I'm considering what to do with the rest of my evening. I actually went to bed early last night (WILD!!!) and it felt so good and enabled me to get up earlier today. I don't know what the chances are of making it a habit, but I may experiment with it a little bit. I don't enjoy the going to bed early part (I'm SUCH a night owl), but I really, really enjoyed the getting up earlier part. It's so nice to start the day with some good quiet time all alone before the house starts stirring. I'm going to shoot for an 11:00 bedtime tonight. Wish me luck!
Oh my goodness, I didn't realize this was a new post until now. I check periodically throughout the day--although only a couple of times today--and I just glanced at the title and didn't notice it was a NEW title.
I LOVE the pictures. Sam looks SOOO pleased with himself. And Joe's love of schoolwork is abundantly obvious. HA!
I got a real kick out of the "eat like a Smith and look like a Wilda" comment. :-) It really isn't fair, you know. Smith's eat junk like CRAZY and never expand accordingly. It's just not right.
Ah, that first paragraph made everything crystal clear. But wasn't it sort of a waste, since I'm the only one who seems to drop by anyway? THANK YOU, all the same, because I got to read a NEW paragraph. :-D
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