Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sinking Again

... in the vast abyss of bloglessness, that is. It's not nearly as dismal as it sounds. It's probably only dismal to my mother. She doesn't like it when I fail to blog. I really don't have time to blog tonight. I'm, ohhhhhh... a month behind on the ironing. Around the house we wear work clothes that don't need ironed, but our going out/church clothes are ALL in a huge mound in my beautiful (though cluttered at the moment) utility room. I have GOT to start getting caught up on some of the ironing and tonight is the night. I picked up a couple of movies from the library yesterday, so I'm planning on putting one on and grabbing the iron here shortly. Like, real shortly--or I'm going to be asleep! Ha!

But before I go, I'll post a couple of pictures of the ceiling in the kitchen. Mom's been wanting to see it. I LOVE IT. :-) We got it up yesterday and today we got the countertops all cut and secured in place. Now they need LOTS of TLC. Staining, sanding, sanding, some more sanding, waxing (maybe? --Do I wax them even if I'm using Poly afterward, Mom? To get the same color as the other wood that will be waxed? They look way too "light" to me right now--and I haven't even started sanding yet!), and then several coats of sealant. Anyway, here we go...

When the kids and I got home from the library yesterday James was putting up the last of my kitchen lights. I LOVE THEM!!! I was so concerned about the kitchen being DARK when we took out all of the horribly ugly fluorescent lights. You know, the ugly things that give really great light. Ha! So I requested lights above the cabinets and I now have GREAT light in there again--and it's sooooo pretty instead of sooooo ugly! :-)


I can't wait until James (we) get(s) the box all framed in up above. And finish the countertops. And get the stove cleaned up and hooked up. But look--A REFRIGERATOR!!! That came yesterday. The kids are ecstatic. Maybe a little beyond ecstatic. We celebrated by filling it up with ham, bologna, cheese, and several jugs of milk and various juices. Today we added pudding and applesauce. HA! It's still kind of a sad way to live, but soooooo much better than before. One day soon we'll get a microwave and then we can start filling the freezer with things like Little Juan's Burito's and Totino's Pizza Bites. Then one day we'll get the stove hooked up and... still not be able to cook anything because ALL of my pots and pans and dishes and utensils are packed away in boxes on the back wall of the garage behind loads of other boxes and at least 12' of furniture. Good planning, hu? We're working on a solution to that one. Until then, we're sooooo thankful and happy to be eating ham sandwiches for lunch and cereal (with milk instead of dry--that's what the kids have been doing for weeks now!) for breakfast and we have no complaints at all. Life is good around here and getting better all the time. :-)


Vicki Smith said...

Oh, it is SOOOOOO GORGEOUS!!!!! Really, really beautiful. Okay, you've sold me. This is WAY prettier than the fourescents would have been even with new and improved covers. I don't think I ever would have thought of doing what you've done, but it's absolutely fantastic! I love how the light reflects on the shiny cabinets. Who did such a good job of polyurethaning those things, anyway? Oh, and painting NUMEROUS coats of red on them first! You guys did all the in-between steps.
I'm so happy for you--especially the children--that you finally have a refrigerator. It does NOT look too short. You're probably just used to having one that barely fits, or that you've had to cut the bottom of the cabinet off in order to make it fit. ;-) It looks great. There may be a functioning kitchen in your near future! Congratulations!!!
BTW, I got about half of my ironing done this morning before I went to the office. I feel like I can breathe a little easier. Hang in there. God will give you grace and strength to accomplish all you need to accomplish. Keep praying and asking God to help you figure out the right priorities.

cokelady said...

Hahahahahahaha! I was going to delete the junk comment above, but I found it too entertaining. Can you imagine what GLASS COUNTERTOPS would look like in my kitchen??? HA!


Vicki Smith said...

Old Suzie Thomas always picks up on the word "countertop," doesn't she? Glass countertops? Classical taste? Modern taste? HAHAHAHA! We don't have either of those tastes--"they do not delight our taste buds." :-)

Tammy Washburn said...

Very pretty!!