Tuesday, March 13, 2012

As a Side Note...

I have NO IDEA what I've done to my blog, how I did it, or how to fix it. I'm also way too tired to keep trying to figure it out. I also shouldn't be devoting time to such things at this point in my life. I thought it would be a quick, easy switcheroo. Nu-uh. Someday I'll have time to get it cute again--assuming that's possible. Until then, I'll just be very, very happy that all of my pictures and blog links and info are still available. It was all GONE for a few very scary moments. I'm glad it's back. Even though there are only about three people who ever blog and most of my links say things like "posted 2 years ago," somehow it still feels relieving to have them over there. ;-)


Vicki Smith said...

You'd better do something about your blog. "You'll ruin your reputation for having a cute blog," you know? HAHAHA!

cokelady said...

HA! Crazy Kate. I've got a few minutes ('til James gets home--ha!) to work on my blog. I'll see if I can fix it, but I don't have high hopes. I don't think I have enough TIME to figure it out right now!