Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cute Again

Katie was all worried about my reputation so I thought I should take the time to fix my blog. HA! Actually, I just started Googling like a mad woman tonight, trying to figure it out and got all obsessive and couldn't pull myself away until I got it done. Truthfully, what's going on right now is way too PINK for me, but it's bright and cheery and that's what I was looking for, so this will have to do for a few weeks anyway. It's officially spring now and there's no sense holding on to a snowman template any longer. We didn't exactly have winter around here (at all) the past three months and the wintery template helps me pretend and stay happy. ;-) Of course, it's been in the 80's this week and not feeling wintery (or even springy or fally, unfortunately!) and my imagination isn't THAT good even with the help of a snowy template. Ha!

Too tired to really blog now, but the big news is that I just restained our countertops for the last time (got them all sanded today) and they are now ready to start polyurethaning! Wa-Hooooo! It's only been a mildly productive day around here, but I'm hoping for more tomorrow. (Hahahahahahaha! Will I never learn?!) Either way, my counters are already gorgeous and they'll be better yet when they are finished and usable. Soon. Very, very soon.

Maybe. ;-)


Vicki Smith said...

Cute template! I'm so happy your reputation has been preserved. ~~whew!!!~~ Although, it looks more like Emilee than it does you. :-) Don't be freaked out by the pink. It's ADORABLE!

Jamey said...

I absolutely LOVE the new template but when it opened up I was shocked that this was on your blog! I didnt think you cared for pink. It is super cute though and brought a smile :) to my face!