Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Quickie... For Real This Time

Believe me??? ;-)

Just a note to say that we didn't hear anything about the house today. No news is good news, right? Okay, so probably not in this instance. Ha! It's in God's hands and we're happy knowing that.

Had a full day of school today, then James took the shaggy boys to get haircuts, Katie and I cleaned house, then tonight I got all of the laundry and ironing done because...

Tomorrow we're headed to Minister's Retreat in Colorado. And oddly enough, it feels really weird! I, of course, always leap at the chance to be with friends and church folks (especially right now, when I know that hereafter the opportunities will be few and far between with my dear friends out here!)... but somehow it feels a little awkward to be going to this Retreat that isn't really "ours." "Ours" will be in Alabama in a few weeks. That's weird, too! Ha! Anyway, Brother VanDeventer asked if we would please attend this function, hinting that it would be good for everybody to be able to tell us goodbye. Great. More tears and blubbering. Ha! As awful as that part will be, I wouldn't miss it. I'm so looking forward to seeing everybody and worshipping together and being able to hear some good sound preaching--from one of "our" ministers from Alabama, no less! Ha! Brother Rob Hawkins is the guest speaker. :-) So just as a heads up, that's where we'll be the next few days. We should be home Sunday night.

I did it. ;-)

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