Wednesday, July 4, 2012

It's a Holiday, Right?

That means I'm okay to sit and blog for a few minutes instead of working upstairs like I DESPERATELY need to be doing if there's any chance of being able to keep people at our house during Convention. Right??? Nah, probably not. So I'll make this real short. I've got about a month's worth of life to catch up with on here. Hopefully I'll be able to squelch my tendency to ramble painfully long and just hit the highlights whenever the time comes. But for now I'll just post a few pictures. (Pictures always make people forgive you for being a horrible blogger.)

On the last day of Camp they gave out awards. It was a total fluke, but Katie somehow came away with the Cleanest Girl Award. Not surprisingly AT ALL, however, Joe came away with the Messiest Boy Award. I've rarely seen him so excited and proud of himself. He's already begun his campaign for next year. Just the other day I heard him practicing a speech. "This coming year of 2012 I once again plan to run for office of 'Messiest Boy.' I know that I can count on all of your support..." ~sigh~ There's just no hope.

Along with all of the other awards (Best Cook, Best Music Director, etc.), they announced Best State Overseer, then paused just long enough for James to begin shifting in his chair before announcing, "Robert Hawkins." Hahahahahaha! It was GREAT. James went up and received the award on his behalf, but assured the Camp that he would pass the award along to Brother Hawkins next time we saw him. As providence would have it, the Hawkins were at church when we got home that day. :-) So, as promised...

As you can see, James had a hard time parting with the trophy...

This one is my absolute favorite. Hahahahahaha! Don'tcha' just LOVE Brother Hawkins' expression?! :-)
And truth be known, after the pictures were taken James took the trophy back--said he wasn't REALLY giving it to him at all; he just wanted to take the pictures. Ha!

Okay, I really do have to go. But there's a little itty-bitty blip of blogging. That counts for something, right?! ;-)


Tammy Washburn said...


Vicki Smith said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That is hilarious! The pictures are so GREAT! That last one is a real keeper, for sure! Have you forwarded it to Brother Hawkins? If not, you should do so in the next 24 hours. He's on a KILLER travel schedule and the picture would really brighten his day(s) after that strenuous trip. :-) I'm pretty sure it will be somewhere around 30+ hours of straight travel before he and Brother Dupre can lay down on a real bed.
Did YOU get an award? Like "Best Prankster" or anything?
I think that "Messiest Cabin" or, in Joe's case, "Messiest Boy" award is counter-productive. Joe's reaction is the common one to such awards. It only makes them worse. :-)
Thanks for the new post, even if it IS short. Something is better than nothing. Remember that. ;-)

Vicki Smith said...

P.S. - Happy 4th of July.
Enjoy having your children home with you while you can. You only have 3, you know, and they will go away before you know it and you will be old and lonely on all the holidays. ;-) *Inside joke*

cokelady said...

I keep trying to tell James that we (or at least I -- HA!) will be old and lonely before we know it. He's not buying it. ~sigh~

I didn't receive an award, but if I had it probably would have been Meanest Counsellor. Hahahahaha!

I'll send the pictures to Brother Rob right now before I forget. :-)

Kristal Cox said...

That is priceless! I LOVE the pictures! It was, by the way, a total joke! I knew Bro. Horne could take it, so I told Dalton to do that. haha I am so glad we went thru with it now. These pics are great!
