Thursday, May 31, 2012

BTI Babysitting, Day Four: Thursday

This video is completely random and is really better without any explanation, so it makes as much sense to post it here as anywhere...

Let's see, what happened today... The kids played together nicely most of the day. I know that "The Bad-Doers Gang” struck again first thing this morning, but I was in the shower and missed out on it. Then it was Isaac's turn to play Grandma. In fact, this is the only picture I have from today.

The kids wandered from one thing to the next keeping themselves happy and occupied for the most part. There was lots of train activity going on in the barn today, some fishing, scooters, and football.

I did laundry for my family today and--somehow--managed to get a whole lot of ironing done. We didn't have anything that needed ironed, but some of the BTI folk had things that needed done (they're up early, gone all day long, then come home late, exhausted--they don't have time to mess with stuff like that!) and Mom and Dad had a few things that needed done.

The only thing worthy of mention as far as mishaps today is when Aleah dumped her bowl of Ramen noodles... directly on top of the floor vent. Hahahahahahaha! There was a pile of noodles on top and several that had slipped down in between the slats and were draped across them, then several more--along with the juice--down IN the vent. I only wish I would have thought to take a picture of it before the two of us cleaned it up.

This afternoon the kids watched Bonanza, then went outside to play Bonanza. I heard them calling each other Adam and Joe (Joe played "Joe," of course) and some of the other characters from the episode they'd just seen.

I cooked a chicken this afternoon, then made some noodles this evening for dinner. My kids love homemade chicken and noodles--like soup, but with giant noodles. :-) Then we finished off the Berried Delight from the other night.

We got the kids put to bed, then Mom and Brother Dustin & Sister Jamey and Sister Kim and Brother Chris Thompson and I all stayed up and visited for a while. We watched part of the live service from Denver--where THEY were watching the video of this morning's devotion from BTI. :-)

We were having a good visit and enjoying ourselves, discussing all manner of miscellaneous topics when we came back to discussing this crazy rash that ALL of the kids have developed, some worse than others. We talked about all of the possibilities and marked them off one by one, but as we were talking again about what could have caused all seven of the kids to develop this condition but none of the adults we just kept coming back to one common factor: the hot tub.

So on a whim I grabbed my computer and Googled, "hot tub rash." Yeppers, there it was. EXACTLY what all of the kids have. The pictures were the same, the description was the same, the symptoms were the same. For the most part we were all satisfied and relieved (not to imply we were scared or worried about it; just curious and at a loss) to have finally identified WHAT the kids have. Of course, Brother Dustin took the opportunity to blame me for infecting his children. He's already been doing that since they were under my care when they developed the rash, but now he feels he can effectively say that I GAVE it to them.

So this rash is really nothing major. It usually goes away on it's own in seven to ten days. If you don't scratch it. And if it doesn't become further infected and form an abscess. Brother Dustin was already pleased to think of having evidence on his children's bodies for a whole week of what a horrible person I am. Then we read, "The rash usually resolves on its own in 7 to 10 days leaving a hyperpigmented lesion that resolves over months." Months??? I read and re-read that sentence a dozen times. It means, of course, that our kids could (will???) have pinkish spots on them even after the bumps go away. For months?!?!? That's insane! Brother Dustin threw both arms in the air straight above him, fists clenched in his best victory posture. Then, of course, he recalled that he will be taking his family to Canada for Family Camp just shortly after BTI. He declares that if they won't allow his children across the border because they look sick, he is blogging. (Even though real men don't, I assume.) Hahahahahahahaha!

So then we started looking up what we can do to treat this rash. Vinegar compresses for twenty minutes, two to four times a day. Do you have any idea how long that is going to take with seven children?!?!? Hahahahahaha! I'm glad I was able to be so productive today because I have a feeling I won't have time to do much of anything except change out warm vinegar clothes on red, splotchy children from here on out. There are nine days left in BTI. At least that's what Brother Dustin joyfully informed me. Jerk. It's going to be a long, long nine days. Hahahahaha!

And up until ten o'clock tonight I thought today was pretty boring and I'd have nothing to blog about. Should've known. I'm thinking boring would have been better than the discovery that the children developed a rash--under my care--that may leave little red spots on them for MONTHS. I just want to know why I am to blame for the kids getting this rash instead of my Mom. They got it in HER nasty, bacteria infected hot tub that was low on chlorine! ;-)


Dave and Melissa said...

WOW.What a week. Glad you found the reason for the rash. Now they can avoid the hot tub. If they kept playing in it maybe Bro. Dustin would have more then 7-10days to hold over your head ;-)

Vicki Smith said...

The chlorine and ph levels are now what they should be. I hadn't added chlorine or checked the level for 4 or 5 days prior to BTI, due to my busyness in preparing for everything. Who knew something like this could happen? Now we ALL know! :-) It was suggest we just fill the hot tub with vinegar and let the kids play in there, but I'm thinking no.
You're doing GREAT blogging, Bec. However, the video won't come up for me this morning. I don't know if it's an issue on my end, or yours.

ToughLady said...

at least you discovered the problem, but Bro. Dustin should blame you're mom not you, how funny, keep posting I like hearing what's going on at bti...

Vicki Smith said...

HEY! Mind your own business, Janis! ;-)

Sister Charity said...

Lol funny. Keep it coming ;-)

Dave and Melissa said...

I don't think vinegar is the answer... Then they'd all smell like an easter egg :-D

ToughLady said...

just kidding Sis. Smith..

Cat-n-Dan said...

ok It has been 3 days since you posted. I am wanting more... ;-)I have been enjoying your posts...

Jessa Stephens said...

LOL!! Tooooo funny!!!!! :-D

cokelady said...

Melissa, the kids did reak of vinegar for a while that first day, but it still seems like a small price to pay to rid them of their spots! Truth be known, that first treatment is the ONLY one they've received. Things got busy and hectic over the weekend (thus the lack of blogging) and I just never did get to it again. Even so, the spots seem to be fading on some of the kids. ~whew~

Cathy, I'm sorry for the delay! I KNOW what it's like to be the one "back home" DYING for updates and pictures from BTI! I really will try to do better these next few days now that we've made it through the weekend. :-)