Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just so Ya' Know...

We're leaving, so I'll be away from the blogs for a little while. Quick update...

Good revival service with Brother Ammons on Sunday morning, sped down to Hatch and enjoyed another great service there and then some equally great fellowship at the Banuelos house (one of my very favorite places to visit--always so blessed and have so much fun with what feels like "my brown family," I love them so dearly! Ha!), then drove home and got here at about 1:00am.

Monday... Hhmmm... Thinking, thinking. We got a late start because of our late night on Sunday, but we were able to get in a full day of laundry, sheet changing, and school, with roast, potatoes and carrots for dinner. Stayed up late working on the Regional Planning Guide.

Yesterday was spent in LOTS of phone calls and Retreat arrangements as well as further working on the Planning Guide... and who knows what else. Chris & Haley Thompson drove down from Colorado and got here at about 1:00am, so it was another late night.

We have had a good and productive day today. The reason the Thompsons had come down early (other than to fellowship, of course) was so Brother Chris could run heating ducts and install vents in the den and the boys' room. He took care of that job easily enough while we finished up on lots of the details for Retreat, getting the Planning Guide proofed AGAIN (thanks, Haley!), printed it and got it assembled, did some packing, and enjoyed the fellowship of our company over some really great homecooked meals... cereal for breakfast, canned soup and grilled sandwiches for lunch, and poppy seed chicken casserole with no poppy seeds for dinner. My Mom made cinnamon rolls once and forgot the cinnamon. That still seems worse to me than my mistake today. Good thing James also made up his green chili chicken enchilda. ;-)

Haley found out today that she'll be teaching a class because my loser brother is bailing on the Retreat. Okay, so actually he's been really, really sick all week long and still hasn't been able to shake it. He's so seldom sick and when he is he's usually over it in a day or two, but whatever he has this time has really put him out of commission. So he called today and asked Haley to teach his class at Retreat since he won't be able to make it. I got our final after-all-cancellations-and-changes-of-plans numbers to the campground today, so we should be all set. We've been swarming all over the house in last minute preparations for Minister's Retreat, but we did take time tonight to play one game of I Buy. Haley won, Chris & I tied for second, and James lost. I can live with that, I guess. Afterwards Haley went to study for her class and I went to do some proof reading for Mom. Just finished that up and now it's off to bed.

Tomorrow Sam & Tammy fly in (James was kind enough to offer to go pick them up early in the morning since I had to stay up late to proof read... and blog. ~ahem~), they'll be here for a couple of hours, then we'll all load up and head to Retreat! Wa-Hoo! I'm really excited about this Retreat and feel like the Lord is really going to bless us. I will be missing parts of it since I've offered to "babysit" on three occasions throughout the weekend. We'll have 11 kids there ages 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 7, 8 and 8 years old and it's awfully hard on them (and the parents) to have nothing geared toward them, especially during the times of sharing and prayer and stuff like that. So I've packed up some games and craft stuff and will try to help them have a good and enjoyable time and maybe even learn something in the mix. :-) It'll be fun.

Anyway, that's what's going on around here and why you won't be hearing from me for a few days! (It's great that I have an excuse this time! Ha!) Have a great weekend, everybody!!!


Vicki Smith said...

Somehow I managed to MISS this new post! Since you've fallen into a habit of posting only once a week, or so, I didn't expect a new one--especially since I knew you had PEOPLE in your house. So, you got the duct work installed? Good! I'm sure the boys will appreciate that this winter.
I look forward to hearing all about the Retreat when you get home. I hope everyone is enjoying the new campground.

Rebekah Doran said...

Oh, so that is why you never answered when I called today. :) Hope that you are having a great time and that the kids have a great time with you and your crafts.