Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I'm off to iron! I mean REALLY iron. No matter now long it takes and how gruesome it gets, no matter how cruel and fearsome the struggle... I have determined that I shall emerge victorious TONIGHT. Or in the early hours of tomorrow. I'll still consider that a victory.

That's it.

So what's more of a shocker... that I'm actually going to do the ironing or that I'm posting a blog THIS SHORT???



Vicki Smith said...

Well????? Did you do it?

Montgomery's said...

You posted a blog that short??? I'm confused! :)

Tammy K. said...

Will you come do my ironing. I still have everything from the assembly to do plus some.

The Middle J said...

i do think this maybe the shortest blog you've done

cokelady said...

YES, I REALLY DID IT, MOM!!! How could you possibly doubt?!?!?
