Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's NOT like riding a bike

Blogging, that is. They say once you learn to ride a bike you never forget. Apparently if you take too long of a break from blogging you have to start all over again learning to be faithful to it. I just can't get back into the groove!

This has been our first "normal" week in many moons. HA. What is normal??? We kept telling the kids we'd be getting "back to normal" this week, but each day so far they've said, "Mom, I thought you said today was going to be a NORMAL day." Monday we headed to town to do some house hunting for the Clarksons. We love looking at houses and it's been nearly two years since we had to do it for ourselves (ha!), so we've enjoyed it. I love discovering the different neighborhoods and styles of houses and whatnot. There are actually some really nice areas of town that we never knew existed. We stopped at Bath & Body Works so I could take advantage of their big hand soap sale. We are now well stocked with all manner of wonderful smelling stuff. :-)

Yesterday I got all of the laundry caught up and actually unpacked from our Friday-Saturday trip from last week. (Sad, hu?!) Last night James had to go into town to try to get some supplies so he could fix the printer and run off the Western Skies (to no avail--had to order parts), so he took Katie and Sam with him. They enjoyed Happy Meals and apple pies with Dad while I had a nice mother-son night with Joe. We worked real hard cleaning the house for about 45 minutes, then I mixed up a strawberry coke for him and a raspberry cream soda for myself, we sat down and ate a whole Totino's pizza each (!!!) and watched Loony Toons. It was GREAT! We were way too full for it, but I had already promised him that we'd have Mint Oreo milkshakes, too. ~whew!~ It was all GREAT though and so fun to have a night with just Joe.

Today we got up early to head into town and check out a couple more houses. We stopped at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, making three very happy children. :-) First house was WAY north, probably too far to travel on a regular basis. Did some more running around town and checked out the second house. A real possibility, I think. Time will tell! We went to the thrift store and I found a FANTASTIC denim skirt for $4 (Wa-Hoo), some jeans for Joe, some pj's and other miscellaneous things including some winter snowman dishes (6 plates, 4 bowls, 6 dessert plates, and 4 mugs) for $6. Fun! :-) After all that fun we decided to run out to the thrift store in Moriarty, just for kicks. They are SO cheap out there. We found a jumper for Kate and some shoes for Sam. We had to stop by Wal-Mart on our way home and got back by about 2:30, I think, at which point I laid down and took a nap. ~aaaaaahhhh~ It was GREAT. :-) We did late afternoon school today and it actually worked out okay. Had tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Can't beat that. ;-)

Well, the last of my children just got out of the shower, so I'd best get off of here and head to devotions so we can get them to bed on time. I'm HOPING to have the oomph to stay up and do all of the ironing tonight. We'll see! Until next time... whenever that may be! :-S


Vicki Smith said...

:-S There. I fixed your face. On your blog the "S" mouth is on the next line all by itself with no eyes and nose.
Glad you had a successful shopping day. Sounds like fun. The Christmasy dishes sound cute. I bought dishes to paint gingerbread boys on SEVERAL years ago. I'm pretty sure we still lived in Howard and I moved them to Virginia and now to Cleveland and they're still in the boxes. But they were a great buy! Emilee was with me. Do you remember, Em? I keep thinking, "THIS is the year I'm going to do it." So far I've been wrong every year.

Rebekah Doran said...

Normal days? What are those??? :)

Melissa said...

Your back =)