Friday, June 5, 2009

Slumber Party & More BTI!

Last night was so fun! Sister Galaviz came home with us after service last night and we had such a great time! I'm feeling rather groggy and might have trouble remembering all of the details, however. And I even got a nap today! Crazy.

We let Katie stay up for a little while and play a couple rounds of Rummicub with the adults, so she thought that was pretty neat. After she went to bed James & Sister Galaviz and I played two games of I Buy. At the end of each game I had a grand total of 15 points. Wa-Hoo! They were grand and glorious games. :-) I meant to take a picture of the score card, but I don't know where it got put. It's too bad. It was a beautiful sight. ;-)

After I Buy James dug out Scrabble. It was actually kind of fun (I'm not a big Brain Game person--seems to defeat the purpose of playing GAMES, you know?) and I managed to win that one as well. It was a great night for me!

After the games we spent a little while looking through some of the old photo albums I had set out to search through for more BTI pictures. :-) That Sister Galaviz. The crazy woman kept us up until 1:30 in the morning! Can you believe that?! Okay, so that's not exactly how it happened. Truth be known (the Kaufmans and Hays will never believe it, but...) JAMES is the one who kept asking about another game and pulling out another photo album! Whoa!!! It was a little freaky. ;-) But it was such great fun. I'm already looking forward to next time!

We got up and had waffles for breakfast, then Sister Galaviz whipped out the water guns she had bought for herself and all the kids (!) and they headed outside for a water fight. I took a whole slew of pictures, but they really didn't turn out very good. It was a really weird day today, rather gray and gloomy, so everything looks a little dark. Oh well. The kids had a BLAST. :-)

Afterwards we came inside and relaxed for a bit. Sister Galaviz played a couple of games with the kids. This one was the best, by far...
Look at the checker pieces. Joe was orange, Sister Galaviz was green. Ha! I thought it was great. I learned a long time ago to stop playing Checkers with Joe--I can't beat him. And it doesn't do much for one's pride to be consistantly beated by a 7 year old! Ha!

After Joe cleaned her clock at Checkers ;-) James pulled out I Buy and we big people played another round with (insert drum roll) SISTER GALAVIZ WINNING!!! Wa-Hoo! Yeah, Sister Galaviz! :-)

It was nearing lunch time by then, so we all sat down and watched Wall-e together and ate Totino's. What a way to end a party! It was great. :-)

Sister Galaviz headed home after lunch and the rest of us went inside for a NAP! I desperately needed one. I'd been feeling pretty rough since yesterday morning and never had been able to pull through it and my body was screaming for a nap. So I sent the kids to get some books to occupy themselves with and I was able to get a nice, long nap--an hour and a half, I think. It was GREAT. :-)

We've had a nice, relaxing evening around here. The kids have spent most of their time trying to create robots with various materials. Sam's usually turns out the best--he's so creative with stuff like that! Now they're all asleep and I'm planning on being that way shortly. We'll see!


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