Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Apologies... and This is Absurd!

First of all... I'm sorry, Kasey! Did I fail to mention that I was going out of town??? ;-) I really intended to blog the night before we left, but time got away from me and then at the very end I just didn't feel like doing it. Besides, I've learned that even if I write a great, big, long post about great things going on, if I happen to mention at the very end that I'm going on a trip... nobody comments! I guess everyone figures I won't be around to read it anyway, but it's always a let-down, you know?! So I think I'm going to stop telling. I'll just disappear and not say anything. It nabbed me two extra comments this time, even if one of them was only to reward me a Bad Blogger Award for my failure to post anything new. ;-)

Anyway, we've been gone to District Convention, then visited the Alamogordo and Hatch churches on Sunday. Came home yesterday afternoon, let the kids have the day off from school (I wasn't up to it!), got the house cleaned up a bit, all of the laundry done and stayed up way late finishing all of the ironing so I'll have it behind me. Slept for a little while, but...

If you'll notice the time, it's 5:00 in the morning right now. Anybody who knows me knows I am NOT a 5:00 in the morning kind of a person. But I woke up about an hour ago completely stuffed up--I mean unable to breath through my nose at all, not the tiniest bit through either nostril. You know, where you can't even swallow or it plugs your ears and there's all sorts of pressure. What's that all about?! I smeared some Mentholatum on my nose for the first time ever in my whole life. Didn't do a thing. I decided to go sleep in the kids' room because I didn't want to keep James awake--and the kids can sleep through anything. But it's not like I was doing any sniffling. Can't even sniffle--no air at all going through my nose. So I finally just got up. I made some hot lemonade because that was always Grandma Babe's cure for not being able to breath. Then I even boiled some water and put a towel over my head and tried to steam my nose open again. (Just like Stephanie and I used to do to try to rid ourselves of pimples when we were 13, Mom! Ha!) Did all of that without receiving any benefit whatsoever. Been asking God for a little assistance through it all, and finally decided I'd go ahead and blog while I'm waiting. And guess what?! It's cleared up a little bit! I've been sipping my lemonade and typing away and my nose has slowly started to open up ever so slightly. I'm thankful for any at all!!! ~whew~ That's a relief. I'm going to go try to get some sleep, even though I'm scared to move again, particularly go lay down... Things are good right now! Maybe I should just put the computer down and try to sleep in the chair. Hhmmm...

I'll try to tell a little more about our trip real soon! ;-)


Momma Tammi said...

You went from Drippy to Stuffy...are you related to the Seven Dwarfs by any chance? Maybe a second or third cousin? I know...bad joke. Anyway...I'll be praying for ya, hope you were able to get a little more sleep.

Jamey said...

Glad you had a good time at convention and all. So sorry you are all stuffed up thats no fun. We will be praying for you and cant wait to here about your trip.

Kasey said...

Thank you, now I will rest easier, knowing the blogging world is as it should be- with a new post from you. :)

As far as the stuffed nose, try sniffing salt water...sounds gross, but try it. :)

Kasey said...

And when i say sniff it, I mean it needs to go IN your nostril and up into your nasal passages and drain out the other side. weird feeling, but kinda fun to. Ha...am I strange to admit that. I got the netti pot. It's similar to a home remedy. I am not sure what all is in the mix they have you put in the warm water, but i think its very similar to plain ol' salt water. :) Anyway, just a thot. Steam, like you did, is good too...but do that four to five times a day. the more the better.